目前政府採購法已正式施行近一年,其相關子法約有四十餘項,條文眾 多且涵蓋範圍極廣,致政府各機關辦理採購人員及參與採購之廠商相關人員 不易熟悉,若稍有不慎,恐有觸法之虞。 本研究針對政府採購相關法令於政府採購各程序之規範,應用人工智慧 中之專家系統技術,建立適合各階段之系統架構,分別為採購專案資料、招 標程序諮詢、決標程序諮詢、履約管理諮詢、驗收程序諮詢、異議申訴諮詢、 違法情事分析、採購法令查詢、系統推理建議系統模組,並整合此九項系統 模組,發展政府採購法諮詢雛型知識庫專家系統,提出適法建議供相關人員 諮詢之用,以增加採購法適用單位之人員其採購效率。 Since last year, government procurement activities have been performed under the regulations of Government Procurement Law, enacted in May 1999. The Government Procurement Law is vastly improved for remedying deficiencies of past invalid laws such as Statute of Audit. However, government officers, who used to follow the old laws, have difficult times in coping with the new procurement law. As a consequence, they may break the law and creating problems for the government. This research focuses on representing the Government Procurement Law and its relevant detailed bylaws using knowledge-based expert system techniques. A consulting expert system for government procurement officers is then developed. The developed expert system incorporates nine modules: (1) Project data; (2) Invitation to bid; (3) Award of contracts; (4) Administration of contract performance; (5) Inspection and acceptance; (6) Protest and complaint; (7) Penal provisions; (8) Related regulations; and (9) Recommendations. The developed consulting expert system can serve as a tool for assisting government officers in procurement.