本論文提出了兩種創新的開槽式天線,兩者都具有可控制阻抗頻寬與共振頻率的饋入電路,第一型式是使用多開槽的小型化雙頻天線,此天線可應用於區域無線網路(WLAN),天線設計為了應用於手持式行動裝置上,天線尺寸大小限制在 10 * 10 mm2 ,並限制天線位置於印刷電路板 (PCB)的角落,此 PCB的大小約為一隻智慧型手機的大小。然而,上述兩種條件都會明顯降低天線頻寬,因此,天線採用了較寬的開槽和多重電流路徑來增加天線頻寬。第二型式是具有雙饋入的單一開槽雙頻天線,此天線可應用於區域無線網路(WLAN),提出單一開槽的設計方式,最主要的原因是為了避免多開槽之間耦合效應。而本天線一項創新的設計是高頻段的激發電流具有行波模式(Traveling-Wave Mode),除此之外,饋入裝置如何控制中心頻率與頻寬的設計方法都有詳述。上述提出兩種型式天線的饋入電路都採用匹配電路,此匹配電路可控制阻抗頻寬與天線共振頻率,而且,匹配電路的結構可以使用等效電路原理於電路模擬軟體進行設計。This dissertation is devoted to the analysis and design of two novel types of slot antennas, both fed by the match circuit. The first type is compact designs of dual-band antennas consisting of multiple slots for WLAN applications. In order to achieve compact and practical designs, the proposed antennas are composed of narrow slots , and placed in the 10 * 10 mm2 corner region of a typical FR4 PCB for WLAN PDA phones. Both strategies have inevitably led to significant bandwidth reduction of the antenna. Therefore, instead of using wide slots to increase the antenna bandwidth, the method of multiple current paths has been adopted.The second type is a dual-band antenna design using a dual-feed monopole slot for WLAN applications. In the design, only one slot is used in the design, so the mutual-coupling effect often seen in the designs using multiple slots is not of concern. The novelty of the proposed design is that a traveling-wave mode is excited in the upper band. In addition, the tuning mechanisms of the antenna center frequencies and bandwidths are explained in details.The aforementioned two type are both designed with the matching circuit in fed network. This matching circuit can control impedance bandwidth and resonant frequency. Besides, the structure of the matching circuit can predict by equivalent circuit.