本論文主要目的為完成具有於未知環境中自主避障功能,並利用裝置於機器人上方之機器手臂進行按鍵搭乘電梯功能之輪型機器人。在自主避障功能部份,透過由伺服馬達所推動之兩個平行輪進行移動,並利用FPGA整合超音波與紅外線距離感測器所感測的環境資訊,設計完善的避障策略與模糊控制器,使機器人能在未知環境中,即使於狹窄路徑中,安全前進並避開路徑中的障礙物。在按鍵搭乘電梯功能方面,透過正向運動學與逆向運動學,控制手臂按壓目標樓層的按鍵。同時機械手也提供簡單人機互動功能,如握手、招手。最後經過多次的實驗,本論文之控制策略與功能成功地實現於此輪型機器人上。The purpose of this study aims to accomplish a mobile robot which can take the elevator automatically by using its robotic arm and avoid the obstacle in an unknown environment. In the function of obstacle avoidance, the robot moves by two parallel wheels which are driven by servo motors. We use the sonar and infrared ray sensors integrated with FPGA to collect environmentalinformation such that the robot can move forward with avoiding the obstacles and maintaining the safe distance in the unknown environment, even in the narrow path. In the function of elevator taking automatically, the robotic arm can press the target panel by interactively using forward kinematics and inverse kinematics. Furthermore, this robotic arm can also implement some interactive motions such as shaking hands and greeting. After a series of experiments, the results show that the robot works effectively.