本篇論文中,我們利用波松方程式(Poisson’s equation)、電子連續方程式、電洞連續方程式,將半導體元件轉換成等效電路,以此方式分析PNPN半導體的特性。利用三階段式的方式來探討PNPN元件的數值模擬,首先在一維的條件下建立模型,利用一維程式計算量較少的優勢,在較短的時間內獲得PNPN的數值分析;接著使用準二維模型,以較接近一維的方式,減少設計上的差異化,又可以作為進入二維設計的緩衝,最後,進入二維等效電路的模擬,將三階段的模擬結果做比較。最後針對程式開發過程中的經驗與心得進行探討,以降低二維PNPN模擬所遭受的痛苦。In this thesis, it transforms Poisson’s equation, electron continuity equation and hole continuity equation to equivalent circuit model for 1D and 2D numerical device simulation. This thesis uses the equivalent circuit model to simulate PNPN device. Firstly, this thesis builds 1D PNPN to quickly find the design parameters such as length and doping due to the fast calculation in 1D simulation. Secondly, this thesis develops quasi-2D simulation because the quasi-2D is very close to 1D simulation and it can be used to develop the complete 2D simulation for 2D PNPN design. This thesis compares the qusi-2D simulation result with that of the 1D simulation. Finally, this thesis develops the complete 2D modeling for 2D PNPN simulation, and it proposes some good suggestions for reducing the pain suffering during 2D PNPN simulation.