經濟快速發展,生活環境趨向富裕,家庭所得增加,代步工具(汽車、機車)與日俱增,但是也造成嚴重的二氧化碳污染,並且全球暖化日益嚴重,所以21世紀節能減碳成為全球重視之議題。 目前各國環保意思高漲,經濟成長必須兼顧環境永續及社會公義,2008年適逢金融風暴油價高漲至每桶140美元,電動車及電動機車相關產業便成為替代能源的熱門話題,各國政府也積極推動各項補助政策,並提供多項優惠方案,台灣政府也從2009年提出4年15萬輛電動機車的補助方案,但是歷經三年的進程,電動車及電動機車似乎未如預期的成長,本論文將以電動機車做為探討分析的主角。 『電動機車購買意願研究分析』為本論文的主題,首先將國內目前兩輪的機車市場概況先做說明,並將這三年國內電動機車銷售的數量做統計,接著以問卷調查的方式來探討在推動電動機車過程中會影響的幾個關鍵因素,如電動機車電池的重覆使用性、充電的方便性、電池的續航力,以及最關鍵的購買價格因素來分析探討。With the huge increasing with economic development, living environment, family income and transportation in cars and motorcycles, so does the serious pollution of carbon dioxide and global warming. Therefore carbon reduction is the main topic worldwide in the 21st century. The concept of environmental protection which needs to pay attention in both social sustainability and justice are highly emphasized in national wide. Due to economic recession and higher oil price, electric scooter and electric motor vehicle related industries are becoming a hot topic of alternative by the energy uses in 2008. Most governments actively promote the subsidy policy and provide a number of preferential programs. In 2009, the Taiwan government established a 4 years subsidy program for 150 000 electric motor vehicle, however, after a three-year period, it does not having expected growth. Therefore the main purpose of this thesis is to find the factors affecting the promotion of electric motor vehicle. "Electric motor vehicle purchase intention" is the theme of this thesis. First, the description of domestic motorcycle market status, and the sales statistics of electric motor vehicle in these three years. Second, using questionnaire survey to investigate and analyze the key facts which will influence the spreading of electric motor vehicle, such as batteries reusing, the flexibility in charging, the battery life time, as well as the most critical purchase price...etc.