隨著橋梁逐漸邁入高齡化,維修補強費用也不斷的提升,如何利用有限的經濟資源對橋梁進行完善、有效率的維護與管理,一直是橋梁主管機關所關心的議題。橋梁生命週期成本分析(Life-Cycle Cost Analysis, LCCA)可提供決策者評估不同維修補強方案之參考,因此LCCA 之應用與發展近年來已逐漸受到先進國家重視,在橋梁生命週期成本評估中,橋梁構件劣化預測模式扮演關鍵性角色,以量化的橋梁檢測資料分析橋梁劣化之情形,是橋梁生命週期成本評估預估構件劣化破壞時間點的依據,成本發生時間點影響橋梁生命週期總成本之變化,適用且合理的橋梁構件劣化預測模式幫助橋梁生命週期成本評估之分析結果更符合實務現況。LCCA 有著分析期限長、評估因素眾多之特性,適用可靠度方法 (Reliability Approach)解釋分析年期中諸多不確定性發生之可能。目前先進國家積極於橋梁構件劣化預測中導入可靠度方法之新觀念與技術,以取代早期橋梁LCC 評估中劣化預測模式之不足與不適用之處,使橋梁構件劣化趨勢之預測能更為準確與合理。本計畫應用橋梁目視檢測資料,以生命週期成本評估為前提,嘗試導入可靠度方法來建立橋梁構件之劣化預測模式,以提升橋梁生命週期成本評估分析結果之合理性與適用性。 ; As the average age of national bridge inventory grows older, more and more countries, especially those advanced ones, realize the importance of taking views of life span in making their decision on bridge management. More and more efforts are devoted into the development of better model for the life cycle cost analysis (LCCA). Taiwan also developed her own LCCA model in 2003, integrating with the local bridge and inspection database. One of the major developments in LCCA in recent years is to develop deterioration model for bridge components so that the time for each of a component’s repair/replacement throughout its life span can be properly determined. Hence the subjectivity in conventional LCCA can be decreased and the accuracy of analysis results increased. Under the framework of the local developed LCCA model, this study attempts to induct the concept of reliability in developing a deterioration model for bridge components. A component deteriorates through time in its reliability, which is represented as the probability of a component’s condition index falls above a user specified threshold. The periodical visual inspection data from local bridge management system, as well as from bridge authorities, will be collected for the analysis and model development. The developed reliability-based component deterioration model will then be further integrated with the local bridge LCCA model for case studies of bridge life cycle cost. The goal is to improve the subjectivity and accuracy of bridge LCCA result by introducing the reliability based deterioration model. Hence, the application of LCCA for bridge management can be facilitated and the management decision-making can be improved. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807