摘要: | 台北盆地的河川,主要是以淡水河系為主,而大漢溪、新店溪及基隆河為其三大主要支流,整個淡水河流域之變遷歷史就相當於台北盆地之形成過程,就前人研究(杜友仁,1997;楊黃政,1996 )所知,由於台北盆地的陷落,大漢溪曾受襲奪,基隆河流路也被懷疑曾轉向,居於中間的新店溪扮演了何種角色?因此,本文嘗試以不同地形學研究方法,針對新店溪流域進行分析,提供不同的觀察重點及解釋。 本文蒐集研究區內各比例尺地形圖、各時期航空照片、地質圖、內政部數值地形圖檔、台北盆地鑽井資料及40×40公尺網格DTM資料,利用MapInfo地理資訊系統做資料輸入、管理、分析及出圖,並依定量地形學分析方法,進行河谷縱剖面、河谷橫剖面、地形連峰面、分水嶺高度變化、岩盤面、河道之曲流率及階地FT1面分析等分析,以期找出新店溪的地形特徵,及與其他河系的相關性及比較。 研究結果顯示:由地形連峰面分析得知,搜尋視窗越大,景美溪流路消失,北勢溪形成寬廣河谷,南勢溪形成兩處水域,與新店溪連成東北西南向之流路型態。由岩盤面分析得知,FT1面是與松山層基盤面連結於新店地區。而由FT1面分析做出地形面,可代表新店溪於一萬一千年的古地形。 Tamshui River is the main river flow in Taiwan basin, and flow by three influent of Tahan River, Shintien River and Chilung River. The all transition of Tamshui River was present the formation of Taipei Basin. Based on the study of former(Du,1997;Young,1996), Due to the collapse of Taipei Basin, the Tahan river was been capture, and the Chilung was suspected that ever change direction, what affected among the Shintien river between them at that time is our interest, therefore, this study try to use the different way of geomophological methods to analysis the Shintien river, offer the result to interpret and in different observe opinion. In this study, e collected different scale topographic maps, different period aerial photographs, GIS digital data, drilling data of Taipei Basin, and 40m ×40m grid DTM covering the study area, and uses MapInfo GIS tool to do digitizing work to manage related data. Uses quantification geomorphological methods such as longitudinal river profile, cross-valley profile, peak, divide altitude alteration, rockbase, and FT1 terrain analysis to figure out the character of Shintien river and compare the relation with other rivers. The results show that the peak analysis can tell that, the searching window bigger, the Chingmei river disappear, Bansh river become a wild valley and Nansh river spilt to two water aeras, and the connect to the shintien river direction of NW-SE. According to rock bass analysis, the FT1 terrain joint the Songshan formation rock bass in Shintien. FT1 terrain can present the 11,000ya paleogeomorphic surfaces. |