拉封登逝世三百週年時,歐美學界、出版界和戲劇界分別以專書的出版、研討會專題論文的發表、舞台劇、舞蹈、卡通或有聲書等方式來紀念這位家喻戶曉的作家。在這些專書與專題研究論文裡,除了新編註疏、校勘的拉封登之劇作、寓言故事、童話故事等作品之出版外,還有考證或分析其寓言故事集與童話的內容與前人所寫的同類型作品之異同,也有探究其寓言故事集對後十七世紀後葉以及十八世紀的寓言故事作家之影響;此外,尚有一些研究論文專以出版至今的拉封登寓言故事與童話裡之精美插畫為研究重心。值得注意的是在這多元又多量的研究論文裡,並沒有專門探討這部已被譯為多國語言、且廣為流傳的《寓言故事》對十八世紀的戲劇創作與演出的影響。然而自十八世紀初葉起,就陸續有劇作家改編拉封登的寓言故事、並將之搬上舞台演出,且引起戲迷的迴響,有的劇作甚至是法國大革命時期演出率最高的戲碼。本研究計畫擬先從編拉封登的寓言故事和相關劇本的文本比對與分析著手探究,瞭解是哪些寓言故事被改寫為劇本、其原著與改編劇作間的異同。然後再蒐集刊於十八世紀發行的報紙的劇評專欄文章,以全盤瞭解哪些改編劇著曾被搬上舞,及其演出的場次與情況,藉以釐清拉封登的《寓言故事》對十八世紀的法國戲劇的影響究竟有多少。希望本研究計畫的完成能補正法國戲劇史的不足之處。 ; To commemorate the 300 year anniversary of La Fontaine』s death, the Literature specialists in the west, the publication houses and performing arts all made their special tribute to this 17th century writer. Books, published articles, theatre plays, dance, cartoons, audio works and other different formats were dedicated to La Fontaine』s legacy. Out of all these published works, we may find contemporary elaboration and interpretation of La Fontaine』s drama, fables and fairy tales. Comparisons to distinguish his works from other earlier writers and his inspiration on fable writers of late 17th and 18th centuries are also available. In addition, certain specially dedicated articles intend to narrow down their analyses with strong emphasis on illustrations accompanied La Fontaine』s fables and fairy tales. Interesting enough to see is that despite the plurality and proliferation of contemporary studies on La Fontaine』s Fables, popular in translation of various languages, we somehow miss the same enough efforts for its inspiration on 18th century drama composition and performing arts. Ever since early 18th century, variations based upon La Fontaine』s Fables were brought to performing arts stages and created tremendous audience popularity even during French Revolution. This research project first intends to put all drama variations from La Fontaine』s fables into analytical perspectives by comparing drama scripts against La Fontaine』s original works. Then the next objective is to measure the popularity and public feedback of these variation works and its pertaining performing arts on the 18th century theatre stages from circulated papers and arts critics during which periods. By adopting this approach leads to clarify how much La Fontaine』s inspired and affected French drama in the 18th century so as to provide complimentary study in supporting French Drama History. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807