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    題名: 必要與其命運---意志、惡與終結問題(III-I);Necessity and Its Vicissitudes--- Will, Evil and the Question of Termination
    作者: 易鵬
    貢獻者: 中央大學英美語文學系
    關鍵詞: 語文;亞里斯多德;拉岡;佛洛伊德;《詩學》;《仙后》;必要性;機遇;機率;精神分析;倫理;暴力;意志;;the uncanny;寓言;Aristotle;Lacan;Freud;Poetics;The Faerie Queene;necessity;chance;probability;tuche;psychoanalysis;ethics;violence;will;evil;the uncanny;allegory
    日期: 2008-09-01
    上傳時間: 2012-10-01 11:37:57 (UTC+8)
    出版者: 行政院國家科學委員會
    摘要: 在文學理論、精神分析與哲學領域中傳統重要課題之一就是「必要性」與其相對面(可能或機遇或自由)的討論。亞里斯多德《詩學》(Poetics)討論悲劇創作與歷史範疇差異時,所提舉之「必要」(necessity 或probable impossibility)與「可能」(possibility 或improbable possibility)的對立,不只影響從中世紀到前現代文學傳統。在亞氏《形上學》中,根據學者指出,必要性的幾種類別(即1. 生存所必要,2. 強迫的必要性、強制,與3. 必需如是的),其實包含與詩學所觸及的(第一種)必要性以及與日後科學有關的(第三種)必要性。簡言之,必要性的主題,對於前現代文學創作與歷史的關係影響深遠,而且,前現代之後,科學與其他學科之間的對話關係,亦與其有關連。更進一步,當代的政治與社會環境中的僵局,也似乎與某種政治理念,心理層次乃至個人意志的絕對必要性的展現相關(以一種似乎與現實脫勾之「強迫的必要性」,或「必需如是的」模式展現)。在這個脈絡下,本計畫嘗試回到從亞氏開始有關必要性與其對立的「可能」、「歷史」、「自由」、「機遇」(tuché, chance)與機率(probability)等議題,希冀對於現在時代中蔓延的僵局與現實脫勾之情境能夠有所理解。本計畫將在三年的時間內,以必要與其對立觀念為主軸,探討從前現代到當代在此一主題基礎之上,於不同歷史階段,分別體現出的重要問題樣貌。在前現代領域中,將主要試圖描述前現代文學作品中有關「夢境」或幻想情境如何一方面展現作品所欲傳達之哲學、歷史使命以及宗教真理與必要性,另一方面又需照顧到主體心理、慾望與行動或實踐,其意志展現過程中的不確定性。此一辯證過程,最明顯展現在前現代寓言(allegory)的文類上。也就是說,在這階段,主要討論重點將包括夢與幻想情節所透露(如史賓賽Edmund Spenser)寓言敘事中,傳統典型的必要性與角色之慾望、行動、及其意志的衝突。寓言所牽涉之議題,除上所述之外,還包括在前現代史詩作品中,不同批評家所強調寓言與(正義)暴力的關連,以及寓言作為一種強調普遍及必要性的詮釋方法等議題, 而後兩者會影響計畫第三年階段議題的討論:亦即,寓言式閱讀是否不應視作一種精神分析的特定閱讀模式,或,精神分析傳統中,是否還有其他「分析」閱讀模式。在第一年研究基礎上,計畫第三年將試圖強調,類似寓言的「精神戰爭」(psychomachia),精神分析本身,似乎不但與必要及規律性有關,同時更重要地,此必要性浮現時,主體需面對它,並以特定意志力展現與行動方式來回應:例如,在面對欲力,drive/instinct 時,主體在uncanny 情境中與欲力遭遇時,其回應方式極有可能是展開必要與主體之間的終極辯證。同時,在前現代即已出現的暴力或力量的必要性,也與政治哲學(與結合精神分析之後),自韋伯(Max Weber)與史密特(Carl Schmitt)乃至班雅民(“A Critique of Violence” ),經由緊急狀態,領袖或政治家主動意志之介入或暴力所展現的必要性有關。計畫將試圖強調,主體在面對根源性的暴力時,也是在面對一種uncanny 的情境。這時主體也好像是面對所謂「絕對之惡」(radical evil)、現下之惡、必要之惡,以及接踵而來意志、自由等各種衝突。但是,在此第三年討論之前,必要及其相對面的探討,需要回到前現代與啟蒙階段,一方面使自前現代開始的研究更具完整性。同時,或許可經由對於特定科學領域的必要性(亞氏的第三種必要性)發展過程的紀錄,一方面補充,也可以提供必要性與主體之 2 間互動模式,以及意志與惡的問題之另類案例。第二年研究將主要探討自 17 世紀以降,機會(chance)與機率(probability)問題是否可視為是必要性的現代轉折此一問題。藉由Ian Hacking(The Taming of Chance 與 The Emergence of Probability)等學者對於作為深遠影響現代思考模式並促成經濟學、統計學出現的,機會、機率研究,希望可以與第三年政治哲學乃至與精神分析串連。而此一連結的接著劑就是對必要性問題的重新思索。根據Hacking 的討論,十七世紀有關機率的探討,主要革命之一在於如何脫離命定論(determinism)但同時能讓機率與現代統計與經濟所追求存於機遇之中的規律性與必要性,依然得以保存。此一有關機會、統計學與機率(probability)的理念發展,牽出必要與規律性現代故事的另一個重要情節發展:機率一旦廣泛運用在社會與政治互動中,它就與近代冷戰的產物,所謂賽局理論(game theory),在思考模式上似乎有著密切關連。從機率到賽局,這個情節一方面可以提供必要與其相對面較完整之歷史軌跡,也可能可以提供在當代政治哲學有關討論之外,在科學領域中必要性的推演。而同時這一個發展中故事,也涉及主體自由意志、語言溝通、與行動,甚至可以說是在經濟或政治的棋局中對於「必要之惡」(necessary evil)的確立。亞氏的悲劇觀眾或是現代哲學中的獨立思考主體,如何歷經康德的絕對之惡,鄂蘭的尋常之惡(Hannah Arendt,the banality of evil),到達必要之惡,其間意志與行動如何面對必要與現實的要求,是本研究主要課題。同時,在此一基本上是倫理的情境中,我們需要正面面對必要性歷史中現代演變階段。這個時代的意志與其必要之惡似乎達到極致地步,使得不但意志成為絕對的意志,不只展現權力意志而且展現,具又範疇性的意志,一種得以棄絕來自真實的要求,為意志而意志的純粹意志。這個在意志與惡的領域的極致發展與極端主義,更使得在精神分析脈絡下的倫理學發展成為晚近哲學與思想重要發展中最具有急迫性進展。因為這裡的意志與惡的問題,與真實有關,只是它以摒棄真實的方式面對時代,所以我們需重新回到在精神分析情境中,回到分析情境所必須面對分析終結有盡無盡的問題,這是此時代的挑戰之一。 ; Necessity and its counterparts (e.g. possibility , chance or freedom) have always commanded a certain importance in the fields of literary criticism, psychoanalysis and philosophy. Discussions of necessity (or possible improbability) and improbable possibility in the context of the difference between tragedy and history in Aristotle’s Poetics exert their influence well beyond the confines of the pre-modern world. As has pointed out by Belfiore, Aristotle has clearly mapped out three kinds of necessity in his Metaphysics: (1) “that without which it is not possible to live”, (2) “the compulsory, or force” and (3) “that which cannot be otherwise”. On the basis of this scheme, the necessary that is handled by Poetics should fall under the first kind of necessity, while the third kind of necessity may well be used to characterize the future scientific activity. In this sense, the motif of necessity not only influences literary production in the pre-modern period, it also informs the later scientific revolution. Moreover, the deadlocks that stymie any meaningful political or social dialogue, also seem to be related to the workings of a necessity that manifests itself in political ideals, psychological tendencies, or personal will. This necessity often appears in the form of a compulsory necessity, a that-which-cannot-be-otherwise kind of necessity, a necessity that often cuts itself off from demands of reality. At this historical conjuncture, perhaps it is time to look back to Aristotle’s idea of necessity and its pre-modern and modern legacy, such as discussions on possibility, history, freedom, chance (tuche), and modern idea of probability so that we can come to grips with the nature of the present deadlock and the unclasping of the connection with reality. In the projected three-year project, I plan to chart out the different phases of the fate of necessity and its counterparts. In the pre-modern period, the main effort will be devoted to the discussions of dreams and visionary scenes in literary productions of that time. The aim is to analyze in what manner the historical and religious necessities conflict with the psychological, erotic, and practical acts of subjective will and choice. One of the most crucial arenas in which the dialectic between necessity and the exertion of personal will and desire appears is allegory. That is to say, I will concentrate on exploring how in allegorical narratives (such as in The Faire Queene of Edmund Spenser) archetypal or traditional necessities are at odds with the desire, action and will of the characters or personifications. In addition, other relevant issues include the question of the connection between allegory and violence and justice and that of the special mode of allegorical interpretation. The latter topic which is to be dealt with in the first year affects works in the third year. This is because we need to examine whether the allegorical reading is incompatible with analytical interpretation or whether psychoanalysis is in a position of providing alternatives. On the basis of results arrived at in the first year, the last year of the project will try to establish the connection between the necessity motif and the fundamental issues in psychoanalysis. It seems that psychoanalysis is not only related to considerations of necessity and its counterparts, but it is also linked to the scenario of the dialectic between necessity and the exertion of the will and will to action of the personifications. The allegorical psychomachia is comparable to the uncanny situation where the subject is forced to encounter the traumatic emergence of the drive and its necessity and is forced to risk a reaction that will fundamentally shake the basis of one’s will and will to action. Furthermore, the age-old question of violence and its necessity is intimately connected with the modern political philosophy of Max Weber, Carl Schmitt and Walter Benjamin. The state of emergency, political intervention of the charismatic leader, and the manifestation of political will are all demonstrations of necessity. Finally, face to face with the radical force is very much finding oneself face to face with the uncanny. Trapped within this situation, we are also encountering the embodiments of radical evil and we need to come to grips with all the attendant problems of will, action and freedom. But before we begin a full investigation in the third year, we need to sketch out a more detailed picture of the historical vicissitude of necessity before and during the Enlightenment. By going back to the development of the complex of issues we will provide a more comprehensive picture. Moreover, this historical case study will serve both as supplement and alternative to our understanding both of the interaction between necessity and the subject and the questions of will and evil. In short, the second year will concentrate on the study of the rise of concepts of chance and modern theory of probability. Barrowing from the works of Ian Hacking (in exemplary works such as The Taming of Chance and The Emergence of Probability) and others, we hope to establish the connection between ideas of chance and probability which contribute to the birth of the disciplines of economy and statistics and modern political philosophy. The underlying connecting thread is no other than the re-conceptualization of necessity. According to Hacking, one of the revolutionary moves is to transcend the limitations of determinism while still retain the regularity, predictability and necessity which lie at the root of modern economics and probability. This revolution points to another important development in the unfolding story of necessity: this is the story of the game theory and its connection with the Cold War era. This nexus of connections from probability to game theory, on the one hand, gives us a fleshed out depiction of the historical fate and of the transformation of necessity and its counterparts, and, on the other hand, the unfolding story is involved with questions of subject, free will, the need for communication, action, and the necessary evil of political and economic games. What is the significance of the journey for the citizen subject of Aristotle’s tragedy or the modern subject starting from Kant’s radical evil, passing by Arendt’s banality of evil, and arriving at the necessary evil of the present day? How does the subject come to face the banalization of evil into the everyday and commonplace? How does all that affect the realization of will and action? These are the questions this project wishes to address. Finally, in this fundamental ethical situation, we need to confront the problem of the present. The present moment seems to be characterized by the extreme development of will as a necessary evil, a kind of will to will, a categorical will that rejects reality and the real. This extremism in the development of will and evil makes the ethical thinking inspired by psychoanalysis one of the most urgent and relevant developments in philosophical thinking. It is exactly because we need to face the extremism of modern will and evil which is related to the question of the real, by rejecting it, that we need to go back to the ethical situation of psychoanalysis so that we can deal with issue of termination and provide an adequate response. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807
    關聯: 財團法人國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心
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