本研究乃延伸本整合計畫第一期(2003/8-2006/7)所建立之基礎,提出三年規劃(第二年正進行中),持續北部竹子山(1,100 m)與中部鹿林山(2,862 m)雲與降水化學觀測實驗,及進一步資料與模式應用,特徵化伴隨不同源區氣團之區域大氣污染物(例如,酸性污染物、亞洲沙塵、生質燃燒、大氣汞),以探討其對我國輸入通量之長期變異,以及其對區域環境與氣候之潛在影響。參與聯合國環境規劃署(UNEP)大氣褐雲(Atmospheric Brown Cloud, ABC)計畫東亞科學實驗, East Asian Regional Experiment (EAREX),以及美國太空總署東南亞生質燃燒國際實驗(BASE-Asia)國際合作觀測,探討區域大氣污染物(例如,生質燃燒)自源區(例如,中南半島)對下游受體(台灣)長程傳送之變化,及其與雲(降水) 之交互作用。目前已應用前期雲化學資料於ABC/EAREX2005 實驗分析,並有一篇論文審查中;前期鹿林山降水化學(2003-2005)資料亦與日本富士山做比較分析,並有一篇論文以進入付印,2008 JGR;完成東南亞生質燃燒對區域大氣輻射驅動力效應短期氣候影響初步評估,並有一篇論文以發表於2007 May JGR。 ; This proposed study is to extend the Phase I project to continue the experiment of cloud measurements/precipitation chemistry at the Bamboo Mt. (1,100 m) and at the Lu-Lin Mt. (2862 m) baseline station, conduct further data analysis and model application, characterize Asian atmospheric pollutants (for instance, acid pollutants, dust, biomass burning, mercury) associated with various air mass originating from source regions, and assess their potential impact on regional environment and climate. Besides, we will collaborate with UNEP/ABC (Atmospheric Brown Cloud)/EAREX (East Asian Regional Experiment) and NASA’s project entitled “Biomass-burning Aerosols in South East-Asia: Smoke Impact Assessment (BASE-Asia)” for investigating the source/receptor relationship of regional atmospheric pollutants (for instance, biomass burning) and their interaction with cloud and precipitation. Presently, previous data collected in Phase I have been integrated with ABC/EAREX and Mt. Fuji dataset for the manuscripts concerning cloud chemistry and rainwater chemistry, respectively, reviewed and accepted by JGR. Besides, one manuscript concerning regional radiative forcing of biomass burning aerosol in SE Asia is published in JGR on the issue of May 2007. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807