全球定位系統GPS之地球科學應用日益蓬勃發展,近年來科學家研究發現大地震前電離層電子含量TEC會有異常變化。中央氣象局目前建立有上百個GPS連續觀測站,監測台灣地殼變動與斷層活動。本研究計畫將為利用中央氣象局旣有觀測站記錄資料計算電離層全電子含量。建立判別異常之參考、檢視異常與大地震之相關性,以發展統計模型以蒐尋和監測台灣地區地震前兆電離層全電子含量之時空異常前兆。 ; The global positioning system (GPS) has broad applications in geosciences. Recently scientists study variations of the ionospheric total electron content (TEC) to search anomalies associated with strong earthquakes. The Central Weather Bureau (CWB) has set up hundreds of GPS receivers to monitor land deformation and seismicity. This project is to deduce ionospheric TEC from measurements of the CWB GPS receiver network, construct a reference for identifying anomalies of the GPS TEC, examine the relationship between ionospheric anomalies and strong earthquakes, and finally develop a statistical model to identify and monitor temporal and spatial of anomalies of the ionospheric GPS TEC in Taiwan. ; 研究期間 9701 ~ 9712