摘要: | 本研究計畫之目的為整合地面八種網站和人造衛星觀測以研究地震期間岩石層、大氣層及電離層之地震電磁異常訊號和相關物理機制。現今由於知識的累積發展與科技的日新月異,對於地震的監測已由岩石層而擴展至大氣及電離層的地球系統觀測。計畫將利用地電陣列和地磁計陣列監測固體地球之地震活動,其上空則有冕儀記錄地表大氣電場、頻儀觀測高層大氣電漿不規則體、全天影像儀觀測大氣和電離層暉光,而於太空則有高頻都卜勒探測系統監視電離層波動、探測儀偵測電離層電子垂直結構以及全球定位系統接收機觀察電離層全電子含量變化。整合此八種儀器的觀測資料可探討岩石層-大氣層-電離層之耦合,配合美國QUAKESAT、法國DEMETER 和台灣福衛三號 FORMOSAT-3 人造衛星觀測將可一窺地震電磁異常前兆、同震波動和震後效應之奧秘。計畫將致力維持八種網站之正常連續觀測以忠實記錄並監測地震期間電磁異常現象。計畫將比對和同化地面記錄和太空觀測資料以重建地震電磁訊息之完整結構,並著重與其它計畫之配合如:地震活動、地形變等資料之相互比較和統計分析以及著重建立模式以探究地震前、中和後電磁異常之物理機制。 ; The goal of this project is to investigate measurements of eight ground-base networks and satellites and search seismo electromagnetic signals and the associated physical mechanisms in the lithosphere, atmosphere, and ionosphere. The existing knowledge and technology allow us monitoring earthquakes from the lithosphere, atmosphere, and ionosphere as a whole earth system observation. In the project, electrode and magnetometer arrays monitor the electric and magnetic field variations; a corona probe network measures the atmospheric electric field near the Earth surface; an FM tuner network observes the atmospheric/ionospheric irregularities; an all sky imaginer photos earthquake lights and ionospheric plasma depletions; a Doppler sounding system probes ionospheric oscillations; an ionosonde network records ionospheric electron density, and ground-based receivers of the global positioning system (GPS) record the ionospheric total electron content (TEC). The integrated study of the eight networks is employed to study the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling. The combination of the ground-based observations and QUAKESAT, DEMETER and FORMOSAT-3 satellite probings shall shed light on the search of pre-earthquake electromagnetic anomalies as well as co-seismo disturbances. This project maintains the operation of the eight networks to monitor seismo electromagnetic signals in detail. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807 |