本研究計畫主要目的是利用合成口徑雷達之干涉圖像求取地表高程,並進以雷達差分干涉圖像求取地表位移量。如此方式將可成功有效監測臺灣地區大面積之地層下陷或地震前後地層之變動。 本年度是以有空間同調性(Coherence)且時間差為一個月以上之影像對,依求得之干涉圖像作細微調整基線參數之方法,據此以精確求出基線參數,務期其誤差小於1/4波長。另建立差分干涉圖像和地層變化之模式,並實作一組西部沿岸影像推估其地層下陷程度,以求出之地層下陷與同年下半年經濟部中央地調所於該地區以GPS作地面觀測資料比較分析,得到一致之下陷趨勢,證明差分干涉法於台灣平原地區下陷監測具有實用價值。 (Keywords: Synthetic Aperture Radar, Radar Interferometry, Digital Terrain Model, and Surface Displacement Field.) The goal of the project is construct DTM using the technique of radar interferometry. Furthermore, to develop the technique of differential radar interferometry to estimate the ground surface displacement field. We can use these techniques to study the extent of ground change before and after the earthquake. If there are SAR images that are separated by a month and still have coherence between them, we can study the extent of subsidence of the west (south) coast of Taiwan. This year, using a pair of SAR image that are separated by more than a month and still have coherence calculate the base line between them. Based on the interferogram fine-tune the baseline. Establish a model between differential interferogram and the ground surface displacement field. Study the extent of subsidence of West Coast of Taiwan by using a pair of ERS . Find two more pairs of SAR image which are suitable for differential interferometry, and find subsidence. Then compare with the subsidence results from GPS ground measurement . ; ; 研究期間 8708 ~ 8807