本研究預計針對台灣及新幾內亞地區,以衛星雷達影像所衍生的測量方法,偵測區域的微量地表變形行為。本計畫屬於台灣板塊邊界觀測計劃,第一期(92年至95年)已利用差分干涉測量法,完多幅干涉影像,並獲得許多台灣地區重要的地表變形觀測結果。然而由於雷達差分干涉法一般只能在平原地區施測,在山區或植被較厚的地區卻又受到許多其他因素的限制;本第二期研究因此考慮從事永久散設體干涉測量法的相關研究。永久散射體干涉測量法尋找地面固定散設點,針對多張影像進行運算,可克服山區的困擾,有效獲得地表變形資訊。本研究預計在本年度繼續進行永久散設體干涉測量法的研發工作,並將於台灣北部地區廣佈人工永久散設點-角反射器,應用這些反射訊號於台灣北部地區地表變形監測。另外,考慮研究的開創性,本計畫亦將推展此項觀測技術於新幾內亞東部縱谷地區。此區構造條件與台灣花東縱谷十分類似,但平原較為開闊,十分適合雷達差分干涉技術的施測。本計畫預計結合遙測技術、地震觀測與斷層模擬,對此地區做深入之探討。 ; This project aims at applying the space-borne radar technique to determine the surface deformation of the Taiwan and Papua New Guinea areas. This project belongs to the “Taiwan Plate Boundary Observatory (PBOT)” project. In the first term of this project (2003-2006), we have processed many interferograms of the Taiwan area and implemented some related analyses for the goal of surface deformation monitoring. As Taiwan situated in a subtropical area, it is considered that both the steepness of mountains and the dense vegetation on land would provide the essential difficulty for the application of C-band SAR. In the second term of this project, we thus tend to apply the persistent scatterers (PS) interferometry to deal with this difficulty. The PS technique is an advanced tool for processing series of interferometric SAR data aiming at millimetric precision ground deformation mapping. In this year, in order to obtain a better knowledge of the active surface deformation of northern Taiwan, we will continue to install some artificial persistent scatterers, the corner reflectors, in the mountainous area for promoting the capability of the PS technique. Besides, for the reason of research innovation, we tend to extend this technique to observe the surface deformation occurred in the eastern valley of Papua New Guinea. The tectonic configuration of this valley is very similar to the Longitudinal Valley of eastern Taiwan but the surface is much larger. This valley is thus very suitable for application of the DInSAR measurement. This project is expected to integrate remote sensing technology, seismic observation and fault simulation to obtain a better understanding of the deformation of eastern Papua New Guinea. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807