96 年10 月7 日科羅莎颱風帶來強烈豪雨,造成新竹縣尖石鄉之錦屏村美人湯溫泉區後方土石崩塌,此地區之崩滑問題值得注意;本研究於尖石地區之裂隙岩層試驗井場與附近地區採集地下水(井水)及地表水(河水、山溝滲水、溫泉水)共21 個取樣點,自2008 年5 月至2009 年5 月每月採集水樣一次,分析其水文地化特性,包含:H、O 穩定同位素及主要陰、陽離子濃度,藉此瞭解此區域的離子濃度之時間及空間變化,以建立新竹尖石地區之水文地化指標與邊坡滑動之關聯性。以同位素資料指出,當累積雨量增加或減少時,地表水同位素值亦會減輕或變重,乃是因雨量效應的關係,而因地下水流場的不同,使得同位素值有不規律的變化產生,而利用新採集之雨水水樣,可將舊有的當地天水線更新,會使研究期間的同位素資料更符合天水線的變化;陰、陽離子濃度之Piper 圖顯示水體型態有些許變動,因水-岩石作用,例如:溶解作用、陽離子交換…等,使得不同採樣點中,造成離子濃度的變化,而流徑長度會影響離子濃度的變化,因離子濃度會隨流徑越長而增加,利用空間分析探討離子濃度的變化,可發現變化性極小。 On October 7, 2007, heavy rains of Krosa typhoon resulted debris flow at Jin-Ping village of Chien-Shih, Shinchu. This hazard worth to be noticed. This research collects groundwater and surface water from NCU Research well field and nearby areas with a total of 21 sampling sites. Water samples were collected and analyzed once evey month from May/2008 to May/2009, hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes as well as major cation and anion were analyzed. The relations of hydrogeochemical indicator and slope movement in the study area can then be derived. Furthermore, the influence of precipitation to stable isotope can also be observed. Additionally, the updated precipitation data can be used to establish local meteoric water line, at least during the period of study. Results of Piper diagram show that water body exhibit different water types, due to the variation of their ionic concentration as well as flow path. The spacial variation of hydrochemistry is limited in the study area.