本計畫中,我們想要知道可約伴同矩陣是否會被其數值域所完全決定。相當於,我們想要證明兩個n乘n可約伴同矩陣若有相同的數值域,則他們必為相同矩陣。因此,我們將會對可約伴同矩陣的直和子作細部的研究。另一方面,我們也對那些具有橢圓盤數值域的可約伴同矩陣,給出完整的刻劃與判別的準則。 ; In this project, we want to know whether reducible companion matrices are completely determined by its numerical range. That is, we want to show that two n-by-n reducible companion matrices with same numerical range are equal to each other. We will give a detailed study on the properties of direct summands of reducible companion matrices. On the other hand, we also want to obtain a criterion for a reducible companion matrix to have an elliptic numerical range ; 研究期間 9808 ~ 9907