摘要: | 本整合型計劃之目的在建立一基於現有數位電視廣播(digital video broadcasting-terrestrial/handheld, DVB-T/H)之行動視訊會議系統, 為了達到車輛對車輛間在高速行駛下能夠有高品質的影音傳輸, 將在現有DVB-T/H 上整合多輸入輸出 (multiple-input multiple-output, MIMO)之多天線架構, 本子計畫負責在現有發送機 (transmitter)上整合多輸入輸出編碼模組(MIMO encoder), 並設計能達到多輸出輸入通道估測之領航子載波(pilot subcarrier)之安插位置與傳送資訊, 以利接收機 (receiver)端的訊號處理; 在接收機端, 針對車輛與車輛間高速行駛下所造成之都卜勒效應帶來之子載波間干擾(inter-carrier interference, ICI), 本子計畫負責實現子載波間干擾消除器(ICI canceller), 將前一級所傳送來經過同步(synchronization) 處理後的訊號, 以及多輸入輸出的通道估測值(MIMO channel estimates),消除快速時變通道下所造成之子載波間干擾, 另外, 配合發送端的多輸入輸出編碼, 在接收端則進行多輸入輸出的訊號偵測(MIMO detection), 最後將所偵測的訊號送至外接收機進行通道解碼(channel decoder), 在演算法發展與系統設計完成後將進行硬體的實作, 以數位晶片來實現並驗證此一行動視訊會議之構想。 ; The target of this main project is to design a mobile video conference system based on the current DVB-T/H platform. To achieve the requirement of high-quality audio and video transmission between mobiles with high mobility, MIMO techniques are incorporated. This sub-project is responsible for the following items. First, the MIMO encoder module must be inserted into the DVB-T/H transmitter. Accordingly, the pilot subcarriers need to be re-designed so that a receiver can distinguish different MIMO spatial signatures. Secondly, in the receiver side, we have to implement new channel equalization algorithm with ICI cancellation capability so that the severe ICI problem under fast time-selective fading channels can be eliminated. Next, the receiver has to handle MIMO detection so as to recognize transmitted symbols. After the algorithm of these modules are decided and designed, they are implemented by digital integrated circuits to verify the concept of the mobile video conference system. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807 |