現有的公司債定價僅考慮發行公司的資本結構只包含股權與債權,並未考慮其他融資來源。然而,大部分的公司不僅使用股權與債權融資,還使用其他融資工具諸如租賃融資。因此,本文主要探討公司在使用租賃融資下之最適資本結構與公司債定價。本文有別於傳統離散時間模型,改採連續時間模型以探討公司在破產風險下的決策,如此可進一步探討其他公司決策相關議題,如:債權與租賃替代性、稅率與租賃決策、及租賃對破產風險的影響。 ; The existing corporate bond pricing literature focuses on a firm』s capital structure largely from the standpoint of debt and equity only. However, the big concern is that financial analysts adjust the key ratios by choosing off-balance-sheet financing, and the collapse of Enron is the most egregious example of the negative impact of off-balance-sheet financing not showing its effect on the capital structure. This paper studies the impact of lease financing for a defaultable firm employing an optimal capital structure to unify the existing literature based on tax-benefit argument. ; 研究期間 9610 ~ 9707