本研究觀察個案公司在既有的技術能力與服務範疇中,提供了半導體產業從上到下游的全程製造服務,滿足各種不同客戶的彈性客製化積體電路設計服務模式,提供電子整合元件廠商一次購足整合式的服務需求和依客戶隨選的量身訂製的客製化服務。個案公司投入了龐大的資源,開發先進技術、低功耗設計、完整的特定市場矽智財組合以及系統級積體電路封裝技術,強化其彈性客製化積體電路服務。個案公司在因應客戶商務需求與供應鏈協定的改變,於加入客戶產品供應鏈成為一員並要居重要控制環節的同時,公司內部為此一商務需求所作的調整與改變所產生的變化。其中包含有在技術、後勤支援與整體服務價值上的提昇與企業本質的變化。試圖探討此一因應變化的過程中企業本身所作的調整與企業競爭力的改變,利用文獻探討中的理論架構進行分析研究,進一步是否能反應到半導體供應鏈潮流演進,尋找出符合未來新的發展需求與新的價值服務定位。本研究將針對積體電路設計服務公司在原有的服務範疇基礎上,透過精實模式的導入,擴大和提昇本身在半導體外包商務供應鏈中的價值。根據此新商務模式的建立,提昇了本身服務水準與擴大服務範疇。透過產品設計和生產服務,可以實現和滿足更多的積體電路設計公司、電子整合元件大廠、系統廠商在半導體供應鏈中多變的需求。提昇本身在價值鏈中所扮演的角色與當前的半導體供應鏈管理如何實踐應用精實模式,是我們在本研究中想要討論和分析的目標。Company A is a major electronic company with solid foundation in advanced technology and flexible services in Taiwan. It provides integrated services in semiconductor for both IDM and IC/IP design and manufacturing, including end-to-end turnkey solution to fulfill one-stop-shopping requirements by customers. The company’s key differentiation is in its flexibility that allows it to take on traditional ASIC designs as well as customized demand.Company B, which is a major electronic products supplier, attempted to outsource its supply chain operations, covering supplier management, quality control and logistics.In this case study, we cover the changes Company A made to its business model, triggered by Company B’s requirement in providing full scale supply chain management services. Based on this new business model, Company A hoped to enhance its capabilities in design services and logistic support, and other key areas in supply chain management. It will have better ability to provide a higher level service to other IC design houses, IDMs and system companies.This study focuses on how an IC design service supplier implemented the “Lean Model”. How it upgraded its role in the value chain is also discussed.