在雷達影像系統中,為了增加其雷達可探測距離,往往必須使用大型的真空元件行波管,除了造成系統的龐大,其超高瞬間功率也可能因反射或串音而影響系統的穩定度,甚至造成損害。因此我們認為若能把訊號源的部分以光電方式產生,必定能改善其系統之輸入輸出問題與穩定度。同時我們也利用光電的方式產生了最窄脈衝寬度30 ps 的超窄毫米波脈衝,並將其應用於雷達影像系統中而得到了高達1 cm 的時間解析度,也在此論文實驗中完成了三維高解析度毫米波雷達影像系統。經由此雷達影像系統,我們也成功掃描出了一隱藏在信封中的金屬飛鏢模型,和一高低差較複雜之金屬圖案模型。相信此方法將能有很好的應用於安檢用高速近場掃描。In order to increase the available distance of radar system, vacuum devices like magnetron or traveling wave tube are usually used in radar system to create the required power. These devices usually make the system very huge and the huge power they created might reflect or crosstalk and then decrease the system reliability. By use of our ultra-fast few-cycle millimeter-wave short pulse generator to generate pulse in optical way, we can provide a more reliable system. Besides, we can also generate a short pulse with 30 ps pulse width and get the 1 cm temporal resolution in radar imaging system. With this high resolution, we build a 3-D high resolution radar imaging system and get two images successfully. One is a metal dart model in an envelope, to simulate the security check situation. The other is a more complicated metal model: angry bird. With this success, we think this method can have more and better applications in near field image scanning.