近年來無線數位家庭系統建制為多媒體發展之趨勢。如果全面採用無線傳輸,則可以避免許多不必要的傳輸線材,使得家庭擺設不受傳輸線材限制。然而,為了讓許多多媒體裝置間能夠互相傳輸,並且能夠打破距離以及移動速度之限制,因此需要建制新的無線多媒體傳輸系統並建制中央控管單元。在系統建制中,多媒體壓縮是相當重要的一環。因為如果多媒體無失真壓縮倍率高,則無線傳輸的頻寬可以相對增加,因為所傳輸的多媒體資料流較小。而且,採用無失真或者近乎無失真傳輸也可以確保傳出的畫質能夠保持在一定程度中。在本篇論文中我們提出一無失真可延伸之圖片/影像壓縮系統,稱之為SS-SIVC,用以建立快速且有效之壓縮系統。本論文的系統針對無線數位家庭系統條件設計,因此低的複雜度以及壓縮系統有效的設計變成重要關鍵。經由整體的系統考量後,制定出整個系統的演算法流程,並將系統硬體實現與JPEG 2000比較。在比較中可以發現,我們的壓縮倍率在平均上少了0.04,然而整體運算之速度卻快了3倍並且在硬體的使用上減少許多。因此可以證實我們所設計出來的壓縮系統的確比起之前架構有效率許多。本論文所提出硬體編碼器的處理能力可以完全涵蓋 Full-HD 1080p@30Hz。更進一步的,在硬體設計上擁有彈性增加平行度的能力。可利用增加硬體份數的方式來因應更高的顯示規格,如 QHD 及 QFHD。Wireless digital home environment is constructed to serve the multiple client and multiple video source requests without the need on wire transmission. To serve these issues, a new video compressor for lossless and near lossless compression is one of the major components achieving wireless mobile, multiple access home entertainment system. In this thesis, a new lossless compression codec, the size and SNR scalable image-video compression codec (SS-SIVC) is proposed.According to the probability analysis, two-pass quality driven bit plane sequencer is presented. A complete flowchart is constructed to conclude the proposed work. Quality driven magnitude refinement is also proposed to optimize the SNR scalability. According to the experiment results, the computation time of proposed work is almost one third of openJPEG (JEPG 2000) while the compression ratio is only 0.04 behind. According to the results, a computation efficient size and SNR scalable codec is concluded. The proposed work is also implemented in hardware with VLSI architecture. The proposed SS-SIVC codec is fully compatible for Full-HD 1080p@30Hz. Furthermore, with capacity of flexible parallelism, the hardware architecture can be improved for advanced display specifications, such as QHD and QFHD.