台灣產業結構上主要是以中小企業為主,內外資源不豐富的情況下,往往得運用自身的優勢來尋求更佳的利基,所以談判的方法就會更顯得重要。 有鑑於國內研究少將八階段分析法以單一個案方式導入來進行談判,八階段分別是準備、辯論、暗示、提議、配套、議價、結束及簽署等。 藉此研究來探討面對未知的談判該如何進行準備,個案公司為國內中小企業,就八階段理論及實際個案公司之運用的案例探討,作為後續研究者之參考。Industrial structure in Taiwan primarily consists of many small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). Under limited resources, these small and medium-sized enterprises have to find best niches with their advantages. Therefore, negotiation skill becomes more important. However, domestic researches with eight-step analysis are rarely introduced to real negotiations. Eight-step analysis included preparing, arguing, signaling, proposing packaging, bargaining, close and sign. This study tries to investigate how we deal with unknown negotiations. With eight-step analysis, we assess the company's real negotiation case as the reference.