矽酸鈾是六價鈾元素最豐富的礦物,研究它的結構化學有助於瞭解核廢料的演化 產物。此計畫將置重點於高溫高壓水熱(500-600 ℃,1000-2000 bar)合成鈾金屬 矽酸鹽與鍺酸鹽,尤其是具有特殊氧化態,或是混合價位的化合物。也將合成鈾 silicophosphate 或是germanophosphate,以增加結構的多樣性。除了合成與結構鑑 定外,也研究發光性質、XPS、與XANES 光譜。 ; Uranyl silicates are the most abundant group of uranium(VI) minerals and their structural chemistry has been extensively studied because an understanding of their structures may be a key to understanding the long-term performance of a geological repository for nuclear waste. We propose to synthesize new silicates and germanates of uranium, particularly those with unusual oxidation states and mixed-valence compounds. The synthesis of uranium silicophosphates and germanophosphates will also be performed to increase the diversity of the framework structures. The synthetic method is mainly high-temperature, high-pressure hydrothermal reactions in gold ampoules contained in a high-pressure reaction vessel at 500-600 ºC and 1000-2000 bar. Their crystal structures, photoluminescence properties, XPS and XANES spectroscopy will be studied. ; 研究期間 10208 ~ 10307