氣象局於過去數年間陸續完成井下地震儀觀測站井體設施及站房工程的計畫,除地表設施外在民國100及101年,分別各鑽6口深達300公尺的井。由於井下地震儀觀測的品質(訊號合雜訊比)與孔內套管的品質、地震儀和套管以及套管和岩層之間的耦合的程度、以及岩層的力學性質息息相關。因此,在完成鑽井工程、井口裝置及初步的電測後,有必要整合鑽探岩心、電測及岩石力學試驗等資料評估觀測站場址的力學特性,作為日後分析地震儀觀測的背景資料和資料解釋的依據。同時本研究的成果對附近地表地震站所接收的地震資料在震波傳播路徑及能量衰減方面,提供一個定量的參考數據,對地下地震儀的觀測研究有相輔相成的效果。在101年的計畫,我們完成100年所鑽6口井(台東、苗栗、彰化、雲林、中壢及屏東),包括岩心照片、井錄及電測資料之分析、解釋及相關比對的。102年的計畫,除延續前一年度的方法分析101年所鑽的井(至少包括:澎湖、大甲高工、烏石坑、曾文、奧萬大、高雄6口井)外,擬利用中央大學地科系的高解析溫度量測儀,在合適的井中做長時間的溫度觀測以獲得穩態的地溫分佈。進一步可由地層熱導率及地溫梯度計算井下的熱流剖面。最後結合本年度及前一年度的分析結果,評估各站地層的岩石物理特性。 ; To improve the quality and enhance the signal/noise ratio for seismic observations, Central Weather Bureau had carried out borehole drilling, installment of the downhole seismometers and construction of wellhead observatory facilities. The project is still on-going, and a total of 6 wells, each with 300 m deep, have been completed by the end of 2012. The signal/noise ratio of received seismic waveform is dependent on the factors including formation mechanical properties, the quality of coupling between seismometer with casing and the bounding between cement and borehole walls. To understand the background knowledge of the seismic signal, it is necessary to integrate the data including core samples, logging, and mechanical data so that a rational interpretation of seismic data can be soundly based. The purpose of this year’s study is to continue the methods established in the last year to analyze logging data of 6 wells drilled in 2012. We also plan to use high-resolution temperature downhole tool measure steady-state temperature of suitable boreholes to calculate heat flow profile by combining with temperature gradient and formation thermal conductivity. Lastly, we will evaluate the petrophysical characteristics of subsurface formation for all wells drilled in 2011 and 2012. ; 研究期間 10202 ~ 10212