摘 要 近年來因豪雨、地震、過度開發,造成山區道路極易發生坍方,甚而形成土石流失。為發揮救災整體效率、減輕災害損失、保障人民生命財產安全,行政院農業委員會之「土石流災害防救業務計畫」及「道路坍方障礙排除對策」等。一旦發生道路坍方時,立即與包商聯繫,並運送人員及機具到達現場搶修便道,清除道路坍方。當地鄉、鎮、市政府則以年度「天然災害預防」、「緊急搶修」及「復建工程」發包年度開口合約。 本研究係依山區道路土石坍方案件,緊急搶修包商之機具派遣為研究範圍,利用線性規劃最佳化模式,求出機具進場時間派遣,提供決策者調度運籌之參考,以達最小成本為目標;另依各參數之敏感度變化趨勢進行敏感度分析,藉此求得所有災區需要機具之最小值,達成人力機具充分運用之目的。為驗證本模式合理性與實用性,以山區道路土石坍方為範例,進行模擬測試;並以最佳化模式所求得之派遣結果與一般人工經驗派遣進行比較,以驗證本研究最佳化模式產生的派遣結果,確實較人工經驗派遣更具效率且成本較低。故本研究可靈活運用於土方開挖與機具派遣檢討等規劃問題,幫助決策者精準規劃。 Abstract In recent years, torrential rain, earthquakes, and overexploitation have resulted in landslides and debris flows at mountain roads. Therefore, the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, proposed the Debris Flow Disaster Prevention and Response Operation Plan and the Strategies for Clearing Obstacles of Road Landslides. Contractors will be contacted upon any events of road landslides, and personnel and equipment will be transported to the site to establish detours and clear debris. In addition, annual open contracts of “natural disaster prevention,” “emergency repair,” and “rehabilitation construction” are contracted out by local township and city governments. The scope of this study covered contractors’ process of equipment dispatch for emergency repair in road landslide cases. Linear programming was adopted to establish the optimal model that specified the suitable time for equipment dispatch. This model can serve as a reference for future decision-makers who aim to reduce costs to a minimum. Additionally, based on the trend of sensitivity variations, a sensitivity analysis was conducted to find the minimum number of required equipment for damaged areas to fully utilize human and equipment resources. Simulation tests were carried out on mountain road landslide examples to verify the practicality and usability of this model. Moreover, the dispatch results obtained using the optimal model was compared to general manual dispatch processes that were based on experiences. According to the comparison, it was verified that equipment dispatch decisions made by the proposed optimal model were more effective and cost-saving than manual dispatch processes that were based on experiences. Therefore, the results of this study can be flexibly applied to planning and reviewing earthworks and equipment dispatch for people to make accurate decisions.