台積電(TSMC),全球第一家積體電路晶圓代工廠商,自1987年成立後,時至2012年其營業額已來到171.67億美元,並囊括全球43.67 %的市佔率,且預估2009年至2015年,其年複合成長率(CAGR)上看31%,堪稱為全球晶圓代工產業界最具競爭力的業者。長期以來,由於其營利率皆維持在三成以上,獲利甚為豐碩,已引起全球半導體前兩大公司Intel及三星的覬覦,台積電如何持續保持既有的競爭優勢已是眼前最重要的課題。本研究係以晶圓代工產業的內/外部環境分析為主體,並以台積電為主要探討對象,運用質性研究方法的個案研究方式來探討台積電在晶圓代工產業下其競爭五力模型和價值鏈活動行為,得知其持續獲取經濟利潤的原因後,再據此與其現行實施的競爭策略,即通過成本領先、顧客願意支付溢價的差異化、清楚市場定位的集中策略及創新策略等途徑進一步發掘其競爭力所在。最終再與既有競爭對手的優劣勢相互比較,找出其競爭強勢信號及確認其競爭優勢與地位後,利用標竿評比方式篩選出台積電的關鍵成功因素(先進的製程、整合性服務及充足的產能),並進行闡述此三大因素的優勢成因所在,藉此做為後續我國晶圓代工產業競爭策略的參考與研究。 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC),the world?s first integrated circuit foundry,since its establishment in 1987。Revenue came to $ 17.167 billion and covered 43.67% of the global market share in 2012,and the pre-estimates the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) point at view 31% from 2009 to 2015。Therefore TSMC is called the most competitive global foundry industry。For a long time,due to the the TSMC?s operating margin is more than 30 percent,and its profit is very high。TSMC has caused the top two global semiconductor company coveted,Intel and Samsung,so“ how would TSMC sustain competitive in advantage ”is the most important topics。This research analyzes internal and external environment of TSMC, and use qualitative research methods to analyze TSMC which uses Porter?s five forces competitive model and value chain activities lead to profit。According to its current implementation of competitive strategies namely overall cost leadership、differentiation of customers willing to pay a premium、precisely positioned the focus strategy and innovative strategies etc.to explore TSMC?s competitiveness。At the last,this study compared TSMC with two main competitors whose strengths and weaknesses by using benchmarking method which screens out key success factors of TSMC (state-of-the-art processes,integrated services and sufficient capacity) and this study will further elaborate TSMC?s advantage of three factors。Therefore this study can offer competitive strategy and reference to the foundry industry in our country。