我們對一些電波星系做一些統計上的研究,為了瞭解我們可以多常偵測到核心附近的光學噴流、環心的灰塵盤、灰塵帶,或灰塵纖維狀結構。且想進一步找出灰塵的存在是否與它們的無線電波性質之間有關聯。我們總共用了46個距離我們較近的電波星系之哈伯望遠鏡觀測資料,它們皆是含有無線電波噴流,但沒有發表過伴隨著有光學波段噴流的星系。星系模型扣除原影像後,並沒有發現在星系中心附近有任何明顯的光學特徵,然後,在這些星系中,有22個(大約48%)出現了深色類似灰塵盤、灰塵帶、甚至纖維狀結構。有些星系我們已證實前人已發表過,但是仍有一些星系是別人尚未發現過的,像是PKS2152-69這星系。未來進一步的研究將會探討學習之間的物理及核心灰塵和周遭環境之間的關係。 We have carried out a statistical study of a large sample of radio galaxies in order to understand how frequently we can detect nuclear optical jets, circum-nuclear dust disks, dust lanes, or dust filaments, and to further find out what the relationships are between the existence of dust features and their radio properties. A total of 46 nearby radio galaxies are selected based on their HST/WFPC2 observations, from which radio jets have been detected but without known optical jets. Galaxy model subtractions did not reveal any prominent optical features in or near the nuclei for the sample galaxies. However, among these galaxies, 22 (48%) reveal dark features such as dust disks, lanes, or even filaments. In several sample galaxies, we confirm the main morphological results published by previous authors; while in others, such as in PKS2152-69, we present our new findings of dust features. We also discuss the dust properties along with their radio properties. Further study will be conducted in order to learn more about the physics and the relationships between nuclear dust and the ambient medium.