質塊在自由落體落下過程中累積微重力而得到衝量,當質塊在行程的終點與彈簧衝擊時就可由加速規的衝擊加速度,推估質塊所受的重力。以比例法及積分法可分別正確推估完全非彈性及非彈性碰撞兩種狀況下的微重力。 本論文以電腦軟體模擬微重力環境下的加速規實驗數據,驗證演算法的正確性及性能。 Driving free fall, a mass accumulates the gravity into its momentum. At the end of his travel, the mass hits the spring whence its deceleration is measured to derive the momentum and thus the micro gravity. After collision the mass may either be attached to the spring or bounced back elastically. The micro gravity needs he derived differently for these two cases. The applicability and the accuracy are verified on the data derived from a micro gravity dynamic simulation.