摘要: | 當有一光源照射至人眼,在達到一定強度時人會產生不舒適感,而眩光則是描述在此環境中產生之不舒適感之重要的指標。不同程度的眩光會對人眼造成不同程度的影響,更甚亦有可能傷害眼睛而造成眼部疾病,但是卻很少有一客觀描述並表達出眩光的方式。在CIE(國際照明委員會)有一公式可以表示在短波長之眩光效應,但此眩光公式卻是以個人主觀的問卷調查再加以統計學的方式來建立,並不是一個真正客觀的公式。 而本篇論文的目的就是希望能研究發展出一套以客觀方式量測出眩光數據,在這篇論文中將使用新的方法及新改裝的儀器來量測睫狀肌的微小波動並以此數據來判定眩光的程度,此新眩光量測儀器可快速自動量測人的視力並量測出Accommodation (眼球調節能力)的數值,再以經過傅利葉轉換之方式轉換成HFC (high frequency component) 之高頻成份數值,並將以此數據來分析判定眩光的程度。而本篇論文主要為利用Accommodation和HFC (high frequency component)來觀察在不同光源狀態時人眼所受到的刺激程度,並且由腦波訊號以及心電訊號來探討眩光所導致的身理疲勞程度。 When there is a light source into human eye, when it reaches a certain intensity will produce comfort, and glare is described in this environment arising from the discomfort of the important indicators. Different levels of glare human eye would cause varying degrees of impact, there are even more likely to damage the eyes and cause eye diseases, but very rarely an objective description of the way and express glare. In the CIE has a formula can be expressed in the short wavelength of the glare effect, but this formula was based on subjective glare questionnaire coupled with statistical way to build, not a truly objective formulas. The purpose of this thesis is to study hopes to develop a way to objectively measure the glare of data, in this thesis, using new methods and new instruments to measure conversion slight fluctuation of the ciliary muscle and thus data to determine glare extent, this new glare measuring instrument for fast automatic measurement of people's vision and measure out Accommodation values, and then to go through the Fourier transform of the way to convert HFC of high-frequency component values, in order to analyze the data and determine the degree of glare. And this thesis for the use of Accommodation and HFC to observe the state of the different light sources are stimulated human eye level, and by the EEG and ECG numbers to explore the glare caused by the physical in fatigue. |