航空業之營運成本主要以油價為主,佔了約四成左右。所以節省用油成本也就是降低營運成本、提高收益的最好方式。 在國外,由於其國內各機場油價不同,航空公司為節省用油成本,便在油價相對較低的場站先把下一航程所需之燃油先加好,到高油價場站就不需再加油,這樣的做法稱為經濟帶油。我國航空業者則因為有大陸航段的開航,構成了經濟帶油的基本條件–油價差異,遂開始實行經濟帶油。 本論文首先利用二元間斷選擇模型﹙binary choice﹚進行分析,就是否實施經濟帶油決定因素的變數進行估計,呈現各變數對經濟帶油影響的邊際機率。接著利用Heckman二階段估計法,討論各變數對於帶油量的影響。實證結果顯示:可容許起飛重量與可容許落地重量正向影響帶油機率,而飛機的零油重(與機型有關)則負向影響帶油機率。此外,油價差異為實行經濟帶油的關鍵因素之一,若目的場站的油價指數越高,實施經濟帶油的機率大幅提升。 The expense of jet fuel accounts for a large share of variable costs in the operation of commercial airlines. Saving the fuel cost is thus critical to reducing operating costs, thereby increasing revenue. Tankering, the purchase of fuel in excess of that immediately required for the next flight leg, simply means topping off the tanks at the cheaper stations to the extent the increased burn penalty and station supply allow. This thesis aims to examine the determinants of airlines tinkering in Taiwan. Based on the flights information regarding Taiwan to various cities of Asian countries in 2012, this study adopts both Probit model and Heckman’s two-stage model to implement empirical estimations. Results show that maximum takeoff weight and maximum landing weight are positively related to the propensity of tanking. Alternatively, the zero fuel weight of aircrafts (is correlated to the types of aircrafts) negatively influence the propensity of tinkering. Crucially, the fuel index serves one of key factors impacting on tinkering. A higher fuel index that the fuel price of destination airport is higher reduces the probability of tinkering significantly.