隨著無線通訊的進步,IEEE 802.11 也不例外,近兩年IEEE(電機電子工程 師協會)制訂了新的規格IEEE 802.11AC,之前IEEE 802.11n 常用的2.4GHz(ISM Band)已趨近於飽和,IEEE 802.11AC 則選擇工作在5GHz,相較之下訊號受到干 擾的情況也大幅降低。現在802.11 無線基地台已成為多數人不可或缺的生活工 具,主要原因有三點,1、成本不高,大多數人都可負擔。2、架設簡單,不需要 專人幫忙架設。3、傳輸速度快,足夠供給區域網路(LAN)內的使用者使用。綜合 以上優點,多數單位機關都會大量的佈建802.11 無線基地台,以提供區域內使 用者能夠有方便的無線網路可使用。然而,多數人佈建時並不會考量到同頻道或 鄰近頻道互相干擾的問題,導致覆蓋邊緣地帶會被自己或其他單位架設無線基地 台所干擾,因而導致訊號不穩或是速度過慢的情況發生。在本篇論文,採用基因 演算法來解決大面積覆蓋時所產生的問題,除了顧及各個無線基地台的SINR(訊 號干擾加雜訊比)所造成的干擾產生的覆蓋率不同,並錯開各個鄰近無線基地台 頻道,再進行Matlab 的模擬。 As the progress of wireless communications, IEEE 802.11 is no exception. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)formulates new specification IEEE802.11AC in the past two years. 2.4GHz(ISM) of IEEE802.11n is almost saturated,and 802.11AC operates at 5GHz. In contrast, the signal has a smaller chance having interference. Nowadays, 802.11 AP (Access Point) is one of our necessary tools. It has three reasons:1.The cost is not expensive and everyone could afford the AP router. 2. Setting up is not complicated. 3. The throughput is good and the AP router can supply WLAN to users. Based on the above advantages,most organizations could deploy lots of AP router for local users. Everyone usually ignores channel interference problems. Sometimes, AP routers are interfered by other company’s AP or set up AP by their own selves, which causes weak WLAN signal or bad throughput. In this thesis,we use the genetic algorithm for solving the coverage problem in the deployment of AP routers. We calculate SINRs among APs for the radiation of AP routers. The AP router‘s channels are staggered. The simulation is conducted to verify the efficacy of the proposed method.