目前大約有百分之十的古柏帶天體為雙星系統,然而這個結論還不是很確定。而這些古柏帶雙星卻關聯著太陽系中行星的形成機制。所以尋找更多的古柏帶雙星系統是重要的工作。所以我們加入了加拿大--法國黃道面巡天,在這個計畫的古柏帶天體影像中尋找未知的古柏帶雙星。我們挑選出六十二個適合的目標,並發現一個新的古柏帶雙星系統與一個可能的雙星。這個結果告訴我們有百分之一點三的古柏帶天體是雙星系統,與之前的相關研究結論相輔。然而這個結論仍有很大的不確定性,所以未來我們將進行更多的相關研究。 The binary KBOs that make up a fraction of about 10% of the total KBO population are still an enigma. Their formation history and dynamical evolution are closely related to the accretion process and collision processes of the early solar system. A comprehensive census of KBO binaries is therefore an important goal in planetary research. We have initiated just such a project to search for KBO binaries in the distant moving objects data from the Canada France Ecliptic plane Surveys (CFEPS). We also developed a pipeline program to identify the binary object from the CFEPS data. We checked 62 bright objects with good image quality and find a number of possible binaries. One of these was confirmed as a binary. The wide binary fraction of KBOs for this result is about 1/62 and consistent with previous research. However this result is uncertain, so more observations for a binary search are needed.