本論文是研究學習者對於時間管理與態度,以及自主學習、激勵學習傾向與學習成就之間的關係。研究對象為國立中央大學修習大一微積分聯合教學之學生,採用兩變數相關分析(Bivariate Correlation Analysis)、探索式因素分析(Exploration factor analysis,EFA)、多變量對應分析(Multiple Corresponding Analysis,MCA)以及作為分析方法及工具,藉此架構時間管理與時間態度,以及自主學習、激勵學習傾向與學習成就之間的相關性。 研究途中雖有碰到一些瓶頸,導致研究方向受阻,但經歷的多方嘗試後終於獲得一些成果出來。其結果顯示,將收集的資料以因素分析分成原始問卷之面向以強化原問卷面向的核心概念雖然失敗了,但若再次以原面向做分類,實行多重對應分析,能發現時間管理與成績間有某種程度上的正相關,且以自主學習、激勵學習傾向兩面向來看,亦與微積分學習成績有良好的相關性。 此外,我們在研究中除了實施問卷測量面向,更加入了額外變向—性別。性別的差異亦是我們的研究重點之一。研究的結果顯示,雖與多數人的觀念雷同,其性別差異與研究的面向並無顯著的相關,但在細目的研究中卻顯示出,男女的時間態度與長期規劃卻有著顯著的差異,算是與刻板印象有些出入的結果。 The paper is to study about the relation of Time Management, Time Attitude, Self-Directed Learning, and Morivation For Learning to the achievement of Calculus. The participants were the students of National Central University. We used the method of Bivariate Correlation Analysis, Exploration factor analysis, and Multiple Corresponding Analysis to finish this investigation. By the ways, we tried to construct the relation about those variables.We came upon obstacles in investigation at the start so that the study wouldn’t be continue. After we tried a lot of new ideas to analyse those data, there were some effects. Even though it was failed about trying to strengthen the concept of the initial variables by Exploration factor analysis. We get conclusions when using Multiple Corresponding Analysis to assay. Time Management, Self-Directed Learning, and Morivation For Learning were correlated with the grade of Calculus. On the other hand, we added the extra variable in the study. Gender, the name of this variable. In the variable, the outcomes were almost consistent with the stereotype of most people. But there were difference in Time Attitide and Long-Range Planing.