鐵基非晶質合金又稱於非晶質鋼材(Bulk Amorphous Steel, BAS),具有優良玻璃形成能力、高強度、高硬度、耐磨耗以及良好耐腐蝕特性,相較於其他金屬玻璃,如鋯基、鈦基等,鐵基非晶質合金擁有更高機械強度且低製備成本,適合應用於生醫工程材料,如手術刀及鑽頭等醫療器械。 本研究以Fe-Cr-Mo-C-B-Y-Co為主要成分,配製出不同原子百分比的合金比較其熱性質,以真空吸鑄法製成功製做出2~4 mm的非晶質棒材,其中Fe41Cr15Mo14C12B9Y2Co7玻璃形成能力高達γ=0.399、γm=0.683,過冷液相區範圍擁有81K,適合用於熱壓工程改善品質及熱塑成形。合金硬度約1200 Hv,經由壓縮試驗其破裂強度為3200 MPa。藉由直流電化學動態極化法於Hank’s 緩衝液中研究其腐蝕行為,相較於304及316不鏽鋼,鐵非金質合金具較穩定鈍化層(Epit -Ecorr=1.356 V),可有效避免表面產生劇烈腐蝕。由鐵基非晶質手合金製作之術刀及鐵基鍍膜手術刀具有比商用手術刀更小之表面粗糙度及更好的銳利度,經切割測試50 cm後,鐵基非晶質手術刀、鐵基非晶質鍍膜手術刀、商用手術刀BSI分別增加為0.38、0.49、0.59,由此驗證出鐵基金屬玻璃手術刀耐磨耗能力佳,經多次切割後仍保有優良的切割能力。 A prominent Fe-based bulk amorphous steel (BAS) alloy which present high glass forming ability (GFA), good corrosion resistance, superior mechanical properties and relative lower cost. The Fe41Cr15Co7Mo14C21-xBxY2 (x=5-10) BAS rods with a diameter of 2-4 mm, can be fabricate by suction casting method. The highest GFA value can be obtained by adjusting the ration of boron/carbon and reaches to the value of γ=0.399, γm=0.683 at the alloy composition of Fe41Ce15Co7Mo14C12B9Y2. Meanwhile, this alloy also presents very large supercooled liquid region up to 81 K which indicates that it also can be fabricated into the micro-surgery tool by thermoplastic forming. In addition, the hardness of the Fe-based BAS alloy exhibits saturated around 1200 Hv. The anodic polarization measurement of Fe-based BAS exhibits a higher corrosion resistance than the 304SS and 316SS in Hank’s balanced salt solution. Results of sharpness test reveal that BAS blade exhibits much lower surface roughness and higher wear resistance. The BSI value of Fe-based BAS blade, Fe-based MGTF blade and commercial blade increase from 0.26 to 0.38, 0.29 to 0.49 and 0.31to 0.59 after cutting length 50 cm, respectively.