從1980年代早期Motorola推動?標準,到GE總裁Jack Welch把6σ Program在GE發揚光大並取得重大的成果。?標準差運用已引起廣泛的注意,在二十世紀末年已成為企業管?的顯學,就連亞洲的日本、韓國、中國及台灣都出現?標準差的熱潮。 ?標準差運用引起廣泛的注意後,在2000年前後出現?標準差的熱潮,有許多的公司也加入推動六標準差的行列,但是只有少數公司如GE一樣取得重大的成果,從2000年前後,陸續有人對六標準差的成功因素提出探討。在當前的環境下,這些成功關鍵因素是否依然有效,便成為本研究的主要動機。 本研究藉由探討相關文獻及產業界六標準差專家的意見,所收集而來的15項推行六標準差企業之成功關鍵因素,利用訪談對進行探索性的分析,以質性分析的方法,希望能以找出製造業推行六標準差的成功關鍵因素,做為想推行六標準差的組織或類似改善活動的參考。 本研究由上述15 個成功關鍵因素所建立的訪談大綱,利用深度訪談對五位專家進行面對面訪談,並以質性分析及五等評分等方法,找出12個成功關鍵因素:(1)高階管理階層的參與及承諾 (2)由上而下的展開計畫(3)基礎架構(4)以客戶為關注焦點(5)六標準差專案與公司策略發展相結合(6)測量指標與財務成效(7)技術的支援與訓練(8)專案審查/選擇/追蹤(9)溝通(10)獎賞制度(11)組織的變革管理(12)六標準差文化的建立。 而在訪談中所有專家都不段重複提醒的,就是高階管理階層的參與及承諾。值得要所有要推行六標準差或類似改善活動的組織的領導注意。 In the early year of 1980, MOTOROLA started to promote Six Sigma. Jack Welch utilized Six Sigma to get great success in GE. Even in Asia, Six Sigma is a trend for business improvement in early 21st century. There are so many companies introduce Six Sigma until now. However, not all the companies get the same results as GE. What are the key successful factors for the implementation of Six Sigma? This is the key target for this study. By reviewing many articles related to Six Sigma, we try to figure out the Six Sigma Key Successful Factors raised in related articles . By using the key factor list, we try to verify these key factors by utilizing intensive discussion with Six Sigma Experts (BB/MBB). There are total 15 factors are found in the document review. After verification, there are 12 factors found significant for the implementation of Six Sigma. 1. Top Management Involvement and Commitment 2. Top down Six Sigma Deployment Plan 3. Six Sigma Organizational Infrastracture 4. Customer Focus 5. Align the Six Sigma goal with company business strategy. 6. Measurement Indices and Financial Performance 7. Technical Support and Training 8. Project Review, Selection and Tracking 9. Communication 10. Incentive 11. Change Management 12. Establishment of Six Sigma Culture During all the interviews, all the experts emphasize the same thing – Top Management Involvement and Commitment is the key for the success of Six Sigma. This is the most important thing for the implementation of Six Sigma and other CIP activities.