摘要: | 近年來,溫室效應、氣候變遷問題逐漸受到重視,台灣從1990年開始,二氧化碳排放量呈現倍數成長,2012年人均排放量高居全球19名,政府開始推出相關因應措施。2010年7月1日開始實行節能效率分級標示制度,透過立法強制廠商將產品資訊透明化。由於冷氣機佔家庭耗能極大比例,因此選擇冷氣機作為研究重心。 本研究從經濟部能源局能源效率分級標示管理系統與節能標章全球資訊網取得各大冷氣產品特徵,並從pchome網站上取得價格。透過個特性分析並且進一步的使用特徵價格模型「hedonic」探討各項特徵對冷氣機能源效率的影響。 研究統計結果顯示,政策推行之下,廠商行為以及消費者行為皆有改變。產品走向朝向較高能源效率比發展,但是細看產品發展趨勢,廠商是以提升冷房能力為主力,耗電力的減少幅度有限,甚至有增加的趨勢。這與我們所預期的情況有落差。消費者行為,隨著政策的推行,願意花較高價格購買較高能源效率之產品,這與我們所預期的情況相符合。除此之外,第五級產品銷售數量明顯下降,第一級產品以及第二級產品銷售數量也有明顯上升情況,顯示政策施行之後,成功誘使民眾選購較高能源效率之產品。 利用「hedonic」模型分析特徵價格,統計結果顯示,日系品牌有較高的價格,能源效率比值以及冷房能力皆有正向的邊際隱含價格,顯示冷房能力與能源效率比都會影響產品價格,這與預期相符合。 In recent years,climate change and greenhouse effect become more and more important. Carbon dioxide emissions of Taiwan in 2012 nineteenth name among the world’s. Government to implement energy efficiency classification system policy, which aims to improve energy efficiency and achieve energy conservation goals. This article use air-conditioner, which is the large proportion of total household energy consumption as the research object. Use hedonic price model to analyze the behavior of manufactures and consumers under the policy. This article used data was taken from the Energy efficiency rating label management system and PChome websites listed in the price and the characteristics of air-conditioning products. The result showed that both the manufactures and consumers change the behavior under the policy. But the products trends toward higher capacity rather than lower the power consumption. With the implementation of the policy of consumers are more willing to spend money to buy a high-efficiency products. The Japanese brands have higher energy efficiency and higher price which consistent with the expected. |