本論文主旨為利用Fizeau干涉儀來量測屋脊稜鏡的誤差角和經過屋脊面全反射產生的phase shift現象,並透過數學分析干涉條紋,來找出誤差角和phase shift。 此外,本論文也藉由CodeV的模擬來驗證實驗所觀察到的現象,因此在論文中,主要分成模擬的部分與實驗的部分,並在各部分中詳細的論述實驗中碰到的現象與解決的數學方法。最後,利用MTF和PSF的觀念來為屋脊稜鏡定下公差,使未來的使用者能夠對一個屋脊稜鏡的好壞來做出判斷。 This thesis describes the use of Fizeau interferometer in optical testing of a roof prism. Through the analysis of the interference fringes, error angle of the roof prism, and the phase shift incurred by the roof surfaces are precisely determined. Simulation is performed using CodeV to obtain values of error angle and phase shift. These values are then compared with the results achieved from our analytical calculation. The MTF and PSF information are also extracted from the simulation results, and used to compute the corresponding tolerance. The tolerance value is used for rapid determination of the prism quality. This thesis describes in detail the phenomena observed in the experiments, the simulation results, and the analytical methods involved in the work.