在直流電源轉換器的應用上,最重要的要求是提供一個穩定的直流電源,同時能對於負載的瞬間變化提供快速的反應去補償輸出電壓,以達到穩定輸出的目的,所以回授補償迴路的設計成為一個非常重要的部分。在傳統的線性(Linear)穩壓方式,因為是使用主動元件直接降壓的方式提供輸出,同時直接消耗降壓於元件上,這種型式的速度較快且沒有相位的問題,但是輸出電流低、效率低且會產生熱造成產品過熱。Buck轉換器是目前最廣泛被使用的直流電源轉換器之一,本身含有電感與電容等元件,且工作在特定的頻寬內,能提供較高輸出電流,效率較高且產生較低的熱。但是因為有電感與電容的共振頻率的響應及切換頻率的影響等因素,所以相較於線性的穩壓器,Buck轉換器需要一個可以補償其響應的回授補償迴路去穩定輸出。目前的回授補償迴路是以操作放大器為基礎所組成的回授補償線路,能提供不同頻率的補償及增益的調整,以達到補償的目的。 本論文將以Buck轉換器為基礎,去探討回授補償迴路的線路設計,並分析各種線路的優缺點及適用性。分析的過程會由理論基礎開始,包含模型的建立、轉移函數的推導等,然後是線路的設計及模擬分析。設計過程會運用Matlab及PSIM軟體去模擬及驗證設計後的實際響應。最後將會提出一個新的回授補償線路設計以針對多電源系統及遠端回授控制的穩定度需求,去對上述回授補償線路進行改善設計。因為當一個多電源系統中的各個電源共用相同的基準電位時,亦即共用相同的接地時,各個電源轉換器將被互相影響以致於無法用上述的回授補償迴路去穩定輸出電壓,同時遠端回授控制的穩定度也會因接地阻抗的影響而失真。這個新線路設計的導入將可以結合上述的回授補償線路以提高系統的穩定度。 In the application of DC power converter system, the most important requirement is to provide a stable output and to have fast transient response to the loads. The design of feedback compensation loop becomes an important part in power converter system design. Current feedback compensation design is based on operational amplify to form a feeback circuit loop network that can compensate amplitude and phase of system. Buck converter is one of the well-used types in application currently. In this thesis, Buck convert will be used to explor the circuit realization of feedback compensation loop and analyze the application of most kinds of compensation circuits. The work will be start from theory analysis, which includes model establishment and transfer function generation, and then followed by circuit design and realization. All the workable circuits will be verified by MATLAB and PSIM simulation tool. The result will provide the guideline for designing feedback compensation loop. In the last part of the thesis, a specifically new designed circuit will be introduced to improve and optimize the original compensation circuits for the requirement of a system with multi-power supplies, and to optimize remote control function. It will be combined into original designed compensation circuits to provide an optimized feedback control to enhance the stability of system.