導光板是背光模組中最主要的零件之一,主要是將其光源導引行進方向並轉為均勻且高亮度的光源。高輝度與高均齊性為薄型化導光板的主要需求趨勢。 本研究有別於現行的導光板輔助成型技術,以一般射出成型法,成型厚度0.2mm 智慧型手機功能區域的超薄導光板,再搭配CAE 模流分析與光學模擬軟體,討論在三種不同成型參數,如模溫、料溫、射出速度對導光模組平均輝度與均勻度的影響。利用光學級塑料聚碳酸酯(PC) 與聚甲基丙烯酸甲脂(PMMA) ,以射出成型的?數設定,透過料溫(±10℃ )、模溫(±10℃ )、射出速度,得到不同成型?數的成型品,探討射出成型製程參數對平均輝度與均勻度的影響。 實驗結果發現,當模溫增加時PC 塑料成型品的平均輝度隨著模溫的提升而增加,但是均勻度卻會下降,反觀PMMA塑料成型品在模溫增加時平均輝度會降低,但均勻度會提高。將料溫提升時,兩種塑料成型品的平均輝度與均勻度均隨之提高。速度?數的增加會降低兩種塑料成型品的平均輝度,但是均勻度卻會增加。將兩種塑料比對後,PC 塑料成型品的光學特性均優於PMMA 塑料成型品。 This study investigates the effect of processing conditions on the optics properties of the plastic optics grade of Polycarbonate (PC) and Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) parts. The molding window of smartphone Ultra-thin light guide plate was under the molding conditions of melt temperature (± 10 ℃), mold temperature (± 10 ℃), higher injection pressure and various injection velocity. The parts were molded to measure the luminance and uniformity and the plastic injection molding computer-aided engineering (CAE) simulation results were verified by the experiment results. By research aftermath of finding, the injection molding parameters that affect optical performance of the PC and PMMA parts. The PC parts shows the uniformity increases as the mold temperature increases, but the luminance will decreased. On the other hand, the optical performance of the PMMA parts, that shows the luminance increases as the mold temperature increases, but the uniformity will decreased. The PC and PMMA parts the optical performance that the luminance and uniformity increases as the melt temperature increases. When the injection velocity increased that affect the luminance decreased, but the uniformity will increases. Compare the optical performance with PC and PMMA parts, the PC parts was better than the PMMA parts.