本論文主要在完成一套內置式永磁同步馬達(IPMSM)振動噪音預測平台。運用有限元素軟體平台,進行電磁場的解題,在前置作業中,將會利用繪圖軟體,繪製出永磁馬達轉、定子結構圖與壓縮機殼體,將繪製完成的CAD模型匯入到有限元素軟體平台進行求解。在獲得帶解的馬達電磁模型之後,為掌握電磁力、結構振動之模態對振動與噪音之影響,再將前述模型匯入到軟體平台進行電磁-結構雙重物理耦合場求解,而取得多重物理耦合場的解之後,可以進行電磁力與結構的動態特性分析,並且直接以期望的振動或噪音物理量呈現。最後,將前述的實驗平台所量測之振動及噪音結果與永磁馬達振動與噪音預測平台所模擬及分析之結果進行一致性的比較及驗證,以建立相關的know-how與知識庫。 Complete set of IPMSM vibration and noise prediction platform. Use finite element software to solve the electromagnetic field problems. Use Solidworks or Pro ENGINEER to complete the model first. Then import to the other finite element software to solve the electromagnetic field problems. After checking the solutions in every Physical value are correct, we will import the solutions to mechanical software to solve the mechanical problems. At last, we will compare the simulation results with the experimental results to find the best design from the models of reducing vibration and noise.