摘要: | 我國公共工程與民間參與公共建設之各種模式,須依照政府採購法、 民間參與公共建設法、行政程序法及國有財產法等不同法源實行。其中, 經成本效益評估不適合由政府自辦營運之設施,則通常以營運-移轉 (Operate-Transfer, OT)之方式委由民間經營。 目前全國39 座污水處理廠主要以OT 為主要操作營運模式,佔全部之 80%。本研究以文獻探討方式,彙整目前國內公共設施及污水處理廠OT 現 況,研析污水處理廠OT 契約範本與實際案例契約,透過污水處理廠OT 履 約移交接管與操作營運等二階段,發現污水處理廠採OT 模式之主要問題, 在(1)移交接管階段:為移交完成前設備修復責任問題、移交接管階段廠 商所需費用支付問題、以及廠商人員進駐方式問題;與(2)在操作營運階 段:為維護費用計價方式、設備更新汰換與改善問題、未列明交付規費問 題、污泥清運執行問題、以及履約期限擴充通知日問題。本研究並針對各 階段可能發生之主要問題,提出契約修正之建議以及履約執行時應注意之 事項,以供相關單位之參考。 關鍵字:營運-移轉、民間參與、公共設施、污水處理廠 In Taiwan, public construction and private participation in infrastructure projects are governed by Government Procurement Act, Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects, Administrative Procedure Act, National Property Act, etc. Facility operation and management that are unsuitable to manage by the government based on cost-benefit evaluation are usually operated by private sectors using an Operate-Transfer (OT) model. There are 39 sewage treatment plants, roughly 80% of total, are operated by the OT model in Taiwan. This study aims at investigating possible problems that may occur when performing the OT contracts by the concession company. Literature review was conducted first to collect information regarding current status of these plants. Comparisons between model contracts and actual concession contracts are also made to interpret actual problems occur at certain OT plants. Results of this study are issues that need special attentions or clearly-stated contractual clauses for the concession company at the taking over stage as well as at the operation stage. At the former stage, expense for repairing of the sewage treatment plant, extra payments by the company, and number of site personnel are the major issues while operation fees, equipment renovation and improvement, fees for other agencies, disposal of sludge, and notification period before contract extension are major issues at the later stage. Corresponding suggestions to these issues including modifications of the contract as well as proper measures when performing the contract are also proposed in this study for future reference. Keywords: OT, Operate–Transfer, Private Participation, Public Facilities, Sewage Treatment Plant. |