研究期間:10111~10210;The project proposes using of super plastic forming (SPF) process in micro flow channel fabrication of Vanadium Redox Batteries (VRB). SPF is well known to fabricate intricate parts with complex geometries and large deformations. Compared with conventional stamping process, SPF is more suitable to make sub-mm microchannels with aspect ratio of greater than one. We propose a novel processing route of using SPF and several commercially available stainless steel sheets to fabricate microchannels of VRB in terms of female forming mold, male forming mold and furthermore, a complete microchannels layout in one-step SPF process. The most important SPF parameters such as temperature, strain rate and pressure-time curve will be investigated in this study. Optimal processing conditions for superplastically formed VRB microchannels and limitations will also be discussed to provide guidance for potential mass production techniques of metallic bipolar plates.