摘要: | 研究期間:10208~10307;One of the ecologically-friendly clean energy technologies capable of reducing greenhouse emissions is via the controllable lean burn technology, but its application is restrained by the insufficient knowledge on ignition characteristics near the lean flammability limit especially when the real combustion processes under turbulent and elevated pressure conditions are considered. Thus, the objective of this proposal is to work on the mechanism of ignition and its subsequent flame propagation under various turbulent and elevated pressure conditions. Further, we aim to develop the tractable nonlinear model of spatially non-uniform flame front evolution that is capable of demonstrating flame ignition, formation, and quench. Theoretical results obtained within the reduced model will be verified by both means via the basis of direct numerical simulation of basic model as well as experimental data either available in the literature or to be measured in the present joint proposal/project. If approval, the implementation of this project will allow us to create fundamental mathematical models and to understand characteristics of ignition processes of explosive mixtures in high-pressure turbulent environment. These expecting results should be useful in facilitating the optimization of ignition systems and the development of fire safety standards for practical devices, such as spark ignition engines, gas turbines and various industrial burners. |