本研究針對配置不同偏心比之具摩擦消能機制 Y 型隅撐構架進行反覆 載重試驗,以界定其耐震性能。由實驗結果發現,構架梁端所承受彎矩因 隅撐系統之配置,約可減少 40%,構架之強度方面約可提升 50%,不同偏 心比之隅撐設計,將影響梁構件於受力過程中發生破壞之位置。另構架勁 度依不同偏心比之隅撐配置,亦有不同程度之提升;本研究採用黃銅(C2680) 作為摩擦材料配置於摩擦鉸,透過此摩擦消能機制,構架於進入非彈性階 段前之消能量約為抗彎構架之五倍,不僅增加建築結構耐震能力,亦可減 少內部桿件破壞後維修替換之成本。由實驗可證實,配置此隅撐摩擦消能 系統之構架,具有良好之耐震性能。; This study focuses on the evaluation of seismic performance of Y-shaped knee braced moment resisting frames (KBRF) with friction dissipation devices. The performance of friction energy dissipation device has been proven in many research studies. Brass plates were used as friction devices in this study. This system dissipated energy through friction rather than the inelastic yielding during the earthquake excitation. It was found from the tests that significant energy dissipation was achieved before structural members reached inelastic stages. The failure locations of the KBRFs could be controlled by adequate selection of the eccentric ratios of the knee braces. The beam end moment of the KBRF was significantly reduced compared with the moment resisting frame (MRF) with similar dimensions. Test results also showed that the strength and stiffness of the KBRFs were significantly enhanced when Y-shaped knee braces were adopted which justified the applicability of the structural systems.