本論文主要將原本收斂形式的物光系統改為發散形式的物光系統,這種光學系統最大的特色可以將影像無限放大。 接著,利用眼睛回推影像至圓盤成像面的方式,來模擬光學系統中LCD輸入資訊的圖形,並利用理論分析來計算物光方向餘弦、參考光方向餘弦、重建光方向餘弦、繞射光方向餘弦等,之後我們會將計算出的繞射光方向餘弦來模擬重建影像時,人眼在空間中觀看影像的圖形,並計算重建影像的視線交會點,同時我們可以藉由改變不同觀賞距離、和不同觀賞俯角來計算空間中模擬影像和視線交會點,並計算寬高比。 最後,我們會將實驗拍攝的全像片經由白光LED手電筒重建後,並利用數位單眼相機來針對不同距離、不同俯角來擷取影像,再將影像擷取結果和電腦模擬分析結果做比較。; We change the object beam from the type of converged beam to diverged beam.This method could upgrade the size of reconsructed images. Secondly, we use the computer to simulate the ideal virtual-images under the disk what we would see,then to uitilize the method of optical ray tracing to find the images in LCD panel. In addition, we would compute the direction cosines of the object ray, the direction cosines of the reference ray,and the direction cosines of the reconstruction reference ray. Thirdly, we use the diffraction theory to compute the direction cosines of the diffraction ray.Moreover,we could use the computer to simulate the 3D images and to compare the image in different observed distances and observed angles.Simultaneously,we compute the width-to-height ratio. Finally,we use DSLR to capture the resconstructed images.