近年來發現了數個逆行的古柏帶天體,讓我們對這些天體的形成機制很感興趣,根據前人的研究指出,影響古柏帶天體的軌道演化有以下幾種因素:軌道共振的掃除、巨行星的彈射、與海王星交叉軌道的行星擾動、外來恒星的經過。其中,太陽若處在星團的環境中,由於附近有較多的恒星,外來恒星經過造成的擾動可能足以使古柏帶天體以高傾角的軌道存在。因此,我們在太陽附近放了約一千個沒有質量的小天體進行進行模擬,它們分佈在10~150 AU 以圓形軌道繞著太陽,外來的恒星以相對速度2~5km/s 接近太陽,在外來恒星遠離我們模擬的系統之後,去計算這些天體的離心率與軌道傾角的變化。我們發現經過的恒星,若最接近太陽的距離在一、兩百個天文單位左 右,的確可以把大約1:5%的天體激發到高傾角的軌道。 ;The origin of the high inclination and large eccentricity population of the Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) has been interpreted in terms of the gravitational scattering e ect of a large planet, several large planetoids, or passing stars (Gomes, 2009). For the passing star scenario which would be most aptly applied to the case if the sun formed in a star cluster, We have developed models to simulate situations of gravitational interaction of proto-planetary systems surrounding low-mass stars in a dense stellar environment. We found passing stars with perihelion distaces on the order of a few hundred AU could excite TNOs to high inclination orbits.