面對瞬息萬變的科技時代,大學的應變的速度永遠趕不上時代的脈動,大學應主動積極變革。大學校長與他的行政主管團隊之領導型態,對於如何因應變革,規劃發展自己的特色,提昇大學競爭力與晉身21世紀國際一流大學,具有決定性的影響。 基層行政人員是整個團隊的螺絲釘,缺少了他們政策無法推動與執行,所以本研究主要係針對國立中央大學行政人員為研究對象,以問卷調查的方法,運用Statistica 統計軟體進行因素分析、變異數分析、相關分析、典型相關、迴歸分析與Lisrel 線性關係模式等方法,來探討行政人員在面對主管更迭之領導型態其對組織變革與工作滿足的影響,與組織變革對工作滿足之影響。 根據研究結果顯示,轉換型領導對領導型態有顯著影響;電腦科技變革對組織變革有顯著影響;成就感與工作回饋對工作滿足具有顯著影響。由 Lisrel 線性關係模式顯示,領導型態對組織變革具顯著影響;領導型態對工作滿足具顯著影響;組織變革對工作滿足無顯著影響。亦即,主管為轉換型領導型態在推動組織變革之電腦科技變革最成功,同時也令部屬從工作中獲得成就感與主動對工作回饋以提高行政效率。 ;The reaction of national universities always can not catch the speed of era pulse coping with the competition of ever-changing technologies. The leader-style of the principals of national universities and their team-members definitely have deterministic impact on change reaction coping and characteristics planning in promoting the competition of university so as to uplift itself to the first-class university in 21 century. In administrative group, the lacking of basic strategy of administrative staff will hinder the execution of the strategy. In this study, we aim at the administrative staff in national universities. We adopt questionnaires to acquire the real answers from the administrative staff to investigate the impact on those whom faces the constant administrator succession at the National Central University about the relationship of leadership style, organizational change and job satisfaction. The techniques that we utilize Statistica 6.0 to analyze the data sample include factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, pearson correlated analysis, cluster analysis, regression analysis, canonical correlation, linear structural relation path analysis, and so on. According to the research result, there are certain major findings in the research which can be stated as follows: 1.The transformational leadership significantly influences the leadership style. 2.The technological change (computerization of administration) significantly influences the organizational change. 3.The self-fulfillment and working feedback significantly influences the intrinsic satisfaction. 4.The leadership style significantly influences the organizational change. 5.The leadership style significantly influences the intrinsic satisfaction. 6.The intrinsic job satisfaction of administrative staff is not affected by the organizational change. The computerization of the organizational change most successfully reformed by the transformational leadership of administrator inspires intrinsic job satisfaction of the staff.