本研究以台灣地區員工人數規模超過百人以上企業之直線主管為研究範圍,針對同一公司之直線部門主管以問卷調查方式為施測對象,調查該些企業人力資源部門對直線主管執行人力資源管理活動的支持程度、直線部門主管對人資部門服務滿意度及直線部門績效之現況。總計調查134家公司、402份問卷,回收242份,其中有效問卷241份,有效回收率60%。根據階層迴歸分析的結果顯示: 一、人資部門對直線主管執行人資管理功能的支持程度與直線部門績效有顯著關聯。 二、人資部門對直線主管執行人資管理功能的支持程度與直線主管對人資部門服務滿意度有顯著正向關聯。 三、直線主管對人資部門服務滿意度與直線部門績效有顯著關聯。 四、人資部門服務滿意度對直線主管執行人資管理功能支持程度與直線部門績效具有中介效果,研究結果以部門績效之出勤率及工作能力與知識兩項中介效果最為顯著,顯示良好的人資部門服務能夠幫助直線部門實施有效的人力資源管理措施,提高員工出勤狀況及員工工作能力與知識的提昇,進而提高部門績效之表現。 ;This study examines the relationships among support from Human Resource Department to line managers, the degree of Human Resource Department Service Satisfaction and line department performance. The questionnaires are mailed to the line managers who work for the companies with the size over hundred(s) employees in Taiwan. 134 companies are involved in the research and 241 (i.e.60%) questionnaires are collected. The research results based on Analytical Hierarchy Regression analyses are shown as follows: 1.Human Resource Department to line managers on executing the human resource management functions is significantly related to line department performance. 2.Human Resource Department is significantly positive related to the degree of Human Resource Service Satisfaction from line managers. 3. Human Resource Service Satisfaction from line managers is significantly related to line department performance. 4.Human Resource Service Satisfaction has mediating effects on the support of executing the human resource management functions by line managers and line department performance. The results of this study indicate that the mediating effects on the attendance and working capacity in the department performance and knowledge are most prominent. Decent Human Resource service can help line department implement effectively the functions of human resource management, improve the rate of employee attendance and working capacity of employees, increase employees’ knowledge and thus further improve department performance.