目前我國TFT-LCD產業發展快速,民國九十四年整個光電產業包括零組件創造了近九千億產值,資本投資方面動輒上千億,已是當前帶動我國產業發展之重要產業之一。但綜觀液晶面板產業發展環境,面臨到空前的競爭,前有日本的技術及通路箝制,後有韓國強勢壓境,競爭空間遭到擠壓,未來產業發展環境的情勢,已關係到部分廠商之存亡發展。 本研究旨在研究TFT-LCD產業廠商,過去所採行之營運模式,依據策略管理理論包括五力模型、資源基礎理論與資源依賴理論等,進一步比較分析其中成功或失敗之原因,那些是面板廠商可以在未來經營中借鏡學習的,那些是要儘量避免重蹈覆轍。尤其是日、韓之面板大廠如何在激烈的競爭環境當中,因應產業趨勢變化,運用不同的營運模式,而有傑出的表現,本研究將作完整深入之分析,俾提供我國廠商因應之道。 其次,要對於我國TFT廠商,就財務面進行策略績效評估,並對照其營運模式,觀察其績效表現,是否在相同的營運模式下,同樣有亮麗的績效表現;至於採取不同營運模式的廠商,是否在營運績效上也有所差距?資源與能力在策略績效上扮演了什麼角色?我們都將在營運績效評估當中,尋找到解答。 ;TFT-LCD industry has been developing rapidly in Taiwan over last several years. Because of a large amount of investment and output value in TFT industry, it become one of the most important industry which droved relative industrial development. Japanese and Korean are known as the leading manufacturers in TFT-LCD industry. The TFT-LCD firms in Taiwan suffered difficult industrial environment. They compete with both Japanese and Korean, and earn low or negative profits. What are the company’s prior strategic commitments in the face of environmental change? The purpose of this paper is to study TFT-LCD firms about their business model and strategic performance, and try to analyze the key factor of success basing on strategic management theory including “five force model”, “resource-based theory” and “resource dependence theory” etc. We may learn some lessons from firm’s experiences both of success and failure, and find out why some business can be so successful and some else can’t. Another important aspect of this study is to assess TFT-LCD firms’ strategic performance basing on financial information, and analyzed the relation between business strategy and financial performance. For a company to have distinctive competency, it must at a minimum have either “a unique and valuable resource and the capabilities necessary to exploit that resource ” or “a unique capability to manage common resources”. A company’s distinctive competence is strongest when it possesses both unique and valuable resources and capabilities to manage those resources. This study tries to contribute to competitive advantage of Taiwan’s TFT-LCD industry.