根據2004的資料中,中國瓷磚生產量約佔世界瓷磚生產量的45%,中國瓷磚消耗量約佔世界瓷磚消耗量的30%,目前中國在世界瓷磚產業是生產量及消耗量的第一大國,並且數據還在持續的成長中,在中國有兩個產區一直在中國瓷磚業界廣為討論及比較,一個是佛山瓷磚產業以生產優勢居於領導的地位,一個是華東瓷磚產業以品牌做為在中國的經營策略,經過這兩區域比較,發現瓷磚產業必須先形成個完整的產業鏈體系,才能達到產業領導者的地位。 本研究嘗試運用中國瓷磚產銷資訊等次級資料, 再輔以價值鏈、SWOT分析、五力分析、4P’S等理論探討中國華東瓷磚產業及中國佛山瓷磚產業之成長及發展而分析兩個產業的核心競爭力及策略模式, 經研究發現而中國佛山則以低價策略、靠近原料產區、以中國國產設備取代國外進口設備、大量生產降低生產成本及產業聚集等優勢達到中國瓷磚產業領導地位;而中國華東瓷磚產業則以品牌策略、將近消費市場、經銷商通路管理、產品品質控管、與國外釉料廠家配合研究開發新產品及企業經營管理等優勢取得在中國瓷磚產業存在的利基點,透過研究也發現,兩者競爭優勢差異已越來越小,未來必須朝向市場導向及品牌策略為主,使得中國瓷磚產業面對世界各國瓷磚產業更具競爭力。 ;According to 2004 market research, 45% of the worldwide ceramic tiles were produced by China. The domestic tile consumption of China is around 30% of the world consumption. Currently, China is the world biggest production and consumption country. In this rapidly growing market, main manufacturers in China are concentrated in two major areas: Foshan and Eastern China. After a study of these two areas, China ceramic tile industry must build up a consolidated supply chain system in order to meet future market demand and become the major leading ceramic tile production country in the world market in terms of both quantity and quality. This thesis attempts to discover the core competitiveness of these two major ceramic tile zones core and their strategic economic models through SWOT analysis, value-chain analysis, the five competitive forces model and the 4P of marketing. In China, Foshan has taken the advantages of its low cost mass production, low cost of labor, and rich raw materials with local made low cost facilities, making Foshan play a leading role in the industry. Regarding to Eastern China, which is strong in branding and well developed reseller channel systems. Easter China manufacturers provide good quality products by their advanced technology and well organized business management to their demanding markets. Facing future challenges from all over the world, China’s core ceramic tile industry must consolidate all advantages of its strong demanding market and the low cost of production capability with market oriented branding strategy to continue taking the lead of the industry.